I found this analysis of the last year on Twitter! Rough language but it sort of sums up what has been happening. 


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  • I thought the warnings said something about "rough Language"?  I can rewrite this piece and let them actually see what "rough language" really is.  But the author hit the nail on the head.

  • Very Trumpian...  get ready to roll.  As Gen. Roger, of the Roger's Rangers, once said... keep your powder dry and your Tomohawk sharp.

  • All I can say about this, is I LOVE IT I'm an old Navy vet (68-71) and it don't get better then this GO President Trump (my President) this "old" man that live's in the heart land is ready to follow OUR President all the way to the end. LOCKED & LOADED !!!!


  • Holy Hannah, I haven't heard anything like this since the 80's and 90's, when I owned and operated a family business.  I was accused to "talking like a truck driver", back then, I resorted to some pretty colorful language in order to make myself "heard and understood" by some of the driver dipsticks, who tended to unload shipments of merchandise that would NOT survive being dropped, or not handeled without some modicum of "care". They wanted to just "drop and run", even tho' I had a forklift, at the ready, at all times and I was "certified" to operate it.  Of course, "they" always wanted to do it "for me"; I made it very plain, the "Blue Goose" was MY baby and they were to keep their hands off!!  After a while, "dipsticks" understood my "bite" was even worse than my "bark".  Loved this little political "parody" - -do NOT apologize for a single word of it

  • Gasket blown. This is the best thing I have read since I can't remember when. I needed this laugh that kept on giving. Thanks, Dee!!

    • Now if Trump will replace all the free toilets in DC with pay toilets...  He may be able to dramatically reduce the crap passing for work in our government.

    • I see how good that could be, charging for toilet use/abuse.

      Just like they do for. oops. to us, interest upon interest, penalty upon penalty, no access to people. only to system upon system, make them wait. Make them eat cake. Make them bow to the flavor of the month. White is out. Obviously. 

      Black or fake black is in. Ask the kamala about fake black. Red is definitely in. Ask chyna about that. and ask the babies ... oh. they are dead, we cannot ask them anything. Maybe later.

      And Green was always in their pockets. 

      Ask fancinancy about flavors. Ask sleepy j about what the aroma should be. Since they want to remove the good and replace with bad. let them use portapotties, one for all and all for one, true marxist style.

      Let"s see. unequal measure for all traitors, might actually be fun to figure out, based on how extensive their treason. high crimes and misdemeanours. 

      Let's see, Could masks be involved? Hmmp. my imagination just ran away, I must go catch it....

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