10 reasons to impeach Barack Obama


Barack Obama used to be president. He isn't any more. But he still could be impeached, according to the precedent established by Democrats in Congress against Donald Trump.

And he should be, argues PJMedia's Matt Margolis, who listed 10 reasons, including for illegally firing an inspector general and for his administration's spying on the Trump campaign based on a bogus dossier funded by the Hillary campaign.

He cited the Senate Democrats's plan to hold an impeachment trial for Trump over allegations he incited the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Democrats already have been warned of the precedent they are setting. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said, for example, that if "it is a good idea to impeach and try former presidents, what about former Democratic presidents when Republicans get the majority in 2022?"

"Think about it and let’s do what is best for the country," he said.

Margolis recalled that Obama illegally fired Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service after Walpin investigated Obama's friend and donor, Kevin Johnson, who had "misused federal grant money for AmeriCorps by funneling it to his personal nonprofit group, paying for political activity, and using it to pay hush money to underage girls he’d sexually abused."

Then there was Obama's "war on cops."

"Seeing as Democrats say that Trump's rhetoric 'incited an insurrection' at the U.S. Capitol as the primary reason for their second bogus impeachment, it's more than fair to say that Obama should be equally held accountable for his rhetoric as president which inspired a war on cops, resulting in a spike in assassinations of police officers nationwide," Margolis wrote.

Among those who were lost in the attacks were five Dallas police officers murdered in an attack in 2016.

And Obama agreed to "illegal treaties" without the consent of the Senate, the Iran Nuclear Deal and Paris Climate Accords, both of which met the requirements for an international treaty. However, Obama refused to submit them to the Senate presumably because he knew they would be shot down. So he simply implemented in apparent violation of the Constitution.

Margolis points out that Obama also "violated at least four federal laws back in 2010, for offering then-congressman Joe Sestak, D-Pa., a job in his administration in exchange for not challenging Arlen Specter for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate."

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  • He is out of office. Impeachmen is to remove someone from office.. Indictment for aiding and abetting our enemies could be one arrest warrant. Or fraud upon the American people. Or impersonating the President of the United States.

  • R.I.C.O. for treason and subsequent firing squad.

  • He should have been tried for treason his first take over of the White House.  Impeachment is nothing but a slap your hands, bend your dog tags sort of thing!!

    • I'm with you Paul. 

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