15 tips for new conceal carry carriers.....


What follows is my attempt to impart a little bit of hard-earned wisdom and experience to new concealed carriers.

Welcome to the gun community, folks.

1. Carrying a concealed firearm is a heady responsibility. Concealed carriers are the true First Responders. Ultimately, it means you’ve decided that to save your life, or the life of another, you’re ready to pull your pistol, line up the sights on another human being and pull the trigger. If you’re not ready for this responsibility — and it’s a big responsibility — don’t carry a concealed pistol. If you think that by just  brandishing a handgun bad guys will immediately cease, desist and run away, you’re wrong. They will take your pistol and use it against you, or others. There’s nothing fun or powerful about carrying a handgun, as the other team likes to imply. It’s the ultimate responsibility, and it’s certainly not for everybody.

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