America is one week away from a presidential election. Americans have been consistently lied to by the Democrat regime, by Biden, and by the media. To grasp how gravely our present Republic teeters on the precipice and the rationale for the systemic lies – we implore you to absorb the content of this video:
Someone has to say it…this depth of deception and indoctrination was not happenstance rather by design and with impunity. And intellectual lazy voters who never read past the headlines or sought to validate or disprove a claim have facilitated this successful massive information warfare advanced technology delivers 24/7. Those lying to you depend on your apathy.
Yes, very tedious, but again someone has to do it. Truth must still matter -right? The Right Wire Report will proceed by identifying a lie and providing the citations that debunk the claim. The rest is up to the reader to apply the time and effort to gain knowledge. Please note that the list could number in the hundreds. We did our best to whittle down a fair representation revealing the core deception in play to indoctrinate negative perceptions.
1. Trump questioned President Obama’s eligibility to be president ( Birtherism) because Obama was a man of color.
- Hillary Clinton’s campaign started “Birtherism” movement in the primary battle. Trump did call for Obama to release his long-form birth certificate. He did the same with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who was born in Canada (and later produced evidence of his mother’s U.S. birth). Trump applies the same standard to everyone regardless of gender or race.
- Trump faces “Birther” Questions.
2. Candidate Trump in 2016 stated all Mexicans were rapists and criminals.
- Trump did not refer to Mexicans as rapists and criminals. He was referring to people who entered the U.S. illegally, making it clear that he was not even talking about all illegal immigrants.
- Fact-check: Donald Trump did not call all Mexicans rapists criminals.
- Fact-check: Time Kaine falsely says Trump said all Mexicans rapists criminals.
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