1st Amendment and You

whilst scrolling through,My local C-list "free" listings I came to the other areas,and some "folks" from Pittsburgh PA,were using the ad section to Spew some really Vicious remarks at Non- Democratic Party People. I therefore decided to reply,and here was my First reply,to their post;


For the Moron Posting anti- Trump ads in free stuff; I hope you aren`t involved in the fuel industry-Your Job Is GONE;I hope you Like the Middle Easterners-You will be Buying Your Fuel From Them,(and Putin);I hope You Have a Big Wallet;Fuel is already going up- I hope you Own a Large wood Lot-You are going to need it to heat your home- I hope you have a big house-your family will have to live with you,when they lose their jobs if they already haven`t. Not even mentioning the Pedophile;Dementia ridden; Anti Race Liberal you put in charge of America.You know the one whose Son and Brother have Backroom business deals with;Russia;China,And a few other questionable countries.
Oh,and I HOPE you don`t mind losing FREEDOM OF SPEECH,cause it`s already happening.
God Bless America;In God We Trust. It was flagged,but not before I got some Nice replies,(I also got some really,really Vicious replies,  So, I replied again,...and Here it is,...R.E. UnityLets just go over your post,point by Point,BUT,First,lets discuss flagging.
The First Amendment(R.1791)Says Congress shall make no Law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;Or Abridging the freedom of Speech ,or of the Press;or the right of the people Peaceably to Assemble,And to Petition the Government for a Redress Of Grievances.(I don`t flag your posts,...Why do you deny me, Judas ??) Now to This Latest,...
1; You say unity is"Earned" that it is a "Privilege" (I believe you have Unity mixed up with your Drivers License,You drive as a Privilege-Not as a Right.Unity does not just Happen,look at our United States. Over a hundred and Fifty years Later( after the Civil War ) we are Still have Unity Issues,But all of a Sudden,You aren't talking that kind of Unity you are Talking about Dem/Rep. Unity,and you say WE must Earn ours,Huh?? Mr. Biden did Not write any of the fancy speeches you are speaking,Nor can he Articulate them. Where was this Unity you speak of Before,and During,and Even NOW,after President Trump Has Left Office ? Do You Think BLM,or Antifa were thinking of Unity when they took over Police Stations,Burned and looted whole areas of cities ALL Over the Country? When they Killed store Owners who were only trying to Defend their Livelihoods, Called for the DE-FUNDING of Police every where,? Where do you think these Violent Trump supporters came from ALL OF A SUDDEN ? Seems there may have been a few Leftists involved with the 1-6-21 Capitol Fiasco. Most of the Trump Supporters were BLOCKS away listening to the President Speak.You Can Listen to it,if you wish(his Speech),but(here comes that pesky old 1st Amendment again ) But you will have to REALLY Search for it.
What of the rights of that Female Air Force Retired,She Served Multiple Tours in the Sand box,to Protect Us. Do you think Your Unity was Right to Shoot her in the Back ?Was this REALLY A Capital Offense,NO. Neither did ANY of the Other people that died as a result of the (Lets Call it what It Was) Capitol Riot Deserve to Die.All Lives Matter, All The Time. All of a sudden,its Bad to Be White in America it would seem.And you say We had better beg for,Earn,Ask for the privilege,or,you`ll Crush Us !! Nice way to accomplish that Unity-Threaten every one who disagrees with you.
2;The Treasonous Imbecile you refer to; Made good on Americas promise(1967) to move Our Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem,Originally to be done by 1999,and then postponed every 6 months since,Until President Trump
He Brokered Peace between Israel,and ;United Arab Emirates;Bahrain;Sudan;Morocco;Kosovo,That`s 5(Five)Middle Eastern countries,that previously ,did not recognize Israel
Rescinded the Iran deal( Brokered By,Obama Biden,and `ol Horse Face),Because Hillary had already screwed the Pooch in Ben Gahzi) that would have given Iran a Path to Nuclear Weapons Capabilities,in ten years(that`s assuming nobody cheats )(No Cheaters Here,...) Removed us from The Paris Climate Agreement,where nobody was doing what they said they would anyway,and The U.S.A. would be in for BILLIONS more than,well Everybody. Shut Down U.S. Borders in Jan. 2020,to mitigate the spread of a virus unleashed upon the World by,...CHINA !!... Gave almost all U.S. Citizens $1200.00 each (Yes even the Scammers-Undocumented-and Not a Few Dead People )(hey are you gonna vote in November ??? )Perhaps you missed the announcement About Operation Warp Speed,Where President Trump had multiple Pharmaceutical companies fast track a cure for the Corona Virus, (Oh,were you guys out protesting without masks again ??) Instead of Chicken Littleing us ---The Sky Is Falling !!!,Our President Tried to Keep the People positively focused,He Did Go Forth and hold Huge Rallies to Give the American People Encouragement, (and also Campaign. Mr. Biden,Ummmm,He stayed In His Basement.Perhaps you weren`t aware as you filled your 4-door Ram with as low as .89 cent per gallon fuel that for the first time in Maybe Ever, the U.S. was Fuel Independent, buying No Fuel from the Middle East,or wherever,and Actually Exporting,Along with Our Sister Canada, (XL pipeline)Tens Of Thousands Of JOBS Brought back Companies from Overseas,and Made those who didn`t come Home Pay Many more things good for you and me
3; These thing were done While the Congress you say he burned down tried to(before-During ,and After he was elected)A. remove him from the.Ballot.B.Office.C.prove that he colluded with Russia.D.All of the Above--- Wrote False affidavits,and Perjured themselves (The Schiff Show),for Almost 3 years Tried to Unconstitutionally Impeach Him From an Office MORE than Half Of Registered Voters Put Him In. I am not hearing any Begging going on.
Again Half of Registered Voters turned out to Vote,for A Man that Campaigned All Across the Country,....While Mr. Biden,....sat in his Basement,or spoke to a couple of dozen EMPTY FOLDING CHAIRS,(Bernie was not there then).This Same Congress that is Trying to Impeach a Private Citizen (Can You Say Unconstitutional ???) I Bet You Can.
You say Respect the Constitution,But when YOU Allow States to change voting laws,without Legislation that is exactly what you are doing Tramping on the Constitution,and the Millions of People who have Fought for,(and Many Died ) For. When You Use Words Like; EARN; ENTRY;SMACKED DOWN;EXTREME PREJUDICE;CRUSH YOU,...You Are Threatening HALF OF THIS GREAT NATION.

Lastly Let Me Say(Before you Flag this post Too)
I was Born in the U.S. Territory, of the, District of Columbia, The Seat of Government of The United States Of America ; A Government of the People, By the People,and For the People.... All the People Not Just Your People So sit your Bad mouth self down,and Be Quiet.
I say Again,Founded on Judaeo/Christian Values,...God Bless These United States Of America.Once again,some very nice,butalso some really Scary replies too.Sooo, I replied Again

Term Limits,and free

Can You Say Mid Term Elections, ???
I bet you Can.
Can You Say whoops, ??
I know you can.
And when they Get here you had better dig All Them Dead People Back Up,Because,,,
You Are Going to Need Them,and probably Russia Too ) because this Lunacy Cannot/NAE SHALL Not Stand !!!
(Huge Reverberous Echo) I Kind of had A Charlton Heston Moment, Didn`t You ???

I Know You Did,....................... God Bless AmericaNeedless to sa,... got a couple of  nice replies,and REALLY Pissed off some other people,that use mainly Curse word,and stuff like that. NO ONE,put forth anything in the way of a coherent Argument,,Some of these people ended with their Names,Phone #`s,and email Addresses,?????,I  Answered them Too,...

Free....................Speech,.....Language (post for post)

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Come On,You say you are the Party of unity, Yet Tell me to S.your C ;F Me, And all kinds of other vicious,nasty, things that tell me you would not Know True Freedom if it Drove you home from work every day, ;-)
To the kind responses to my reply posts,I say Thank You Very Much,To the Left Wing Fanatics that Keep Flagging my posts,That`s okay,I have MORE free time than You,And even though you think Calling people You Don`t Even Know C...Suckers,and various other nasty names,I Know you have no more intelligence than an old,frayed, toothbrush.
Be that as it May, I still say ,... God Bless you and Please, Please get help. You will let your temper get away from you,and hurt someone,then you will spend the better part of your life regretting it.AND,...

R.E. Free.....Speech

To the Toothbrushes making the Vicious replies to me.

Do you think it was a good Idea to include your Names,(and sometimes ph.#s,and Addresses in these rather nasty posts??

I know you Did

I Will forward them All to the P.P.D.

Can You Say Hate Crime ??

I Know You Can.So,I hope I did not cross any Bounderies,here Just Know that All of my Posts have been deleted Multiple times,and when I Spoke up on Facebook,They took my Posts down so fast I could see leaves,and dust blowing across the page in their wake(my deleted Posts)But You Got that Didn`t You ??? I Know You Did. Bod Blees  america,and God Bless Donald J Trump,President of the United States of America. ,,,H.Mason Welch III

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  • Excellent post. Everyone should read it.

    Personally, having been on this forum for some time now, and having witnessed it being taken over by some idiots a short time past, then restored by the founder and his bringing back both patriotic and competent moderators, it is easy to see how fragile our Constitutional Rights are and how easily they can be removed.

    Pay close attention to what the 1st Amendment really states: ' CONGRESS (and that is key) shall make no law.......abridging the freedom of speech.' Congress.  Not Big Tech. Not those who provide the platforms, the servers, for the discussion of social and political matters on the internet, but congress.

    As of yet, Congress has made no law.  Instead, they ignore the Constitution and openly attack those who consider it vital as insurrectionist dopes, ignorant fools, who obstruct the path to progress, enlightenment, and peace. Speaking openly and freely against those who abuse authority, and have the backbone to say it, subjects only to ridicule by the media. Congress has learned that making a law is no longer necessary when all three branches of government are kissing cousins.  Who is going to protest?  Checks and Balance are gone, and the Constitution is nothing but a relic of times past.

    Internet forums are censured. Some are now gone. More and more regulations are coming down.

    There is a cure.  It can be expressed, and it is, in my house. And my house is America. It is your house too. And as owners we all have the shared responsibility to keep it, in good condition, livable, with worldwide curb appeal, safe and secure from criminals who wish to transform it to that of a stinking dump.  Don't burn down the barn. Get rid of the vermin, the rats that infest it. 

  • 1st amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    On Jan 6, 2021 We The People were at a peaceful rally to express our grievances against the Government's action in electing our President Oh yeah we did not have a right to do that we were disobeying a law you made that is against the CONSTITUTION. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID & SO DO WE.


    • I continue to be saddened by our Elected Representatives,the party of the Left,and most of my own Family Members. Havin jumped off a ship,at a little place called Plymouth Rock,our Ancestors helped make this Country what it Is today.Somehow members of my own family have forgotten,the contributions,and struggles,those Ancestors Made..Both My Mother,and Grandmother were Proud Members of the DAR.Somehow All of my siblings took a hard turn to the Left,and in turn have Taught their children,that America is bad,we Stole the country enslaved a people,oh,oh,oh,.Turns out they weren`t alone,Many,many More have been fed Propagandized teachings from elementary,through college,It is shamefull to think of intelligent people kneeling to the Emperor,With no Clothes. Thank You,Helen,and Thank You Dale for your replies.I fear for the Union,and for its People,All of Them. The Acts in recent days of the Congress,and Senate,have got me truly Anguished.Some of these people Are Lawyers,and should Know Constitutionally Better,But,.....On a lighter note,How did they change mr. Bidens Basement so quickly ??? It almost looks OfficialDid you get that funny,..??

      I Know You Did,Thanks Again,   H.Mason Welch III


  • Sorry bout the spelling errors

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