The first “murder hornet” has been captured in Washington State. This came after warnings that the invasive species had made it’s way from Asia to U.S. shores. RedState reported on the initial news regarding the bug several months ago.
Over that time, there have been sightings, but researchers have now caught their own specimen and it’s pretty stinking terrifying.
Washington has trapped its first #AsianGiantHornet. Press conference will be live streamed on TVW at 10 a.m. Link to the press conference is in the news release.
— WA St Dept of Agr (@WSDAgov) July 31, 2020
read more here: Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) releases a second photo the Asian giant hornet that it caught last month in a trap.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 1, 2020