
Historic precedent, the Constitution, and an ‘outstanding’ nominee are reasons the Senate should “immediately” take up the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to become a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, according to 22 Republican Attorneys General who have written to Senate leaders and leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee urging them to do just that.

In the letter, dated September 30 and addressed to Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the top cops from 22 states hope nothing will prevent Barrett from being confirmed and seated on the High Court.

They spelled out the reasons that that should happen. Their letter said:

Some have voiced a concern that the senators of the 116th Congress will not have enough time to adequately consider Judge Barrett’s qualifications. History and precedent show that to be untrue. Justice Ginsburg herself was confirmed 42 days after she was nominated. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s confirmation took 33 days, while Justice John Paul Stevens was confirmed 19 days after he was nominated. As the New York Times reported in 2016, “on average, a nominee has been confirmed, rejected, or withdrawn within 25 days.

“Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution clearly states the president shall have the power to nominate with the advise and consent of the Senate,” three of those AGs said in a video about the letter that was released over the weekend,

“We are confident that the Senate will need little time to conclude that Judge Barrett will make an excellent Associate Justice,” the letter said. “To begin with, she is exceptionally well-qualified. She earned a full-tuition scholarship to attend Notre Dame Law School, where she graduated at the top of her class.”

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  • Judge Barrett was before this senate a mere two-three years ago and was approved for a federal bench. No more voting is needed, simply do what Pelosi and the Dems have done in the past, DEEM Judge Barrett to have been approved and swear her in.

    • Roger, very well put and very true!!!!!

  • Vote her in ASAP. All they can do is stomp and scream. You know damn well they would be doing it if the shoe was on the other foot. These people are scum.

    • right again and they did this to replace Scalia after they murdered him.  fuhrer obama immediately nominated a radical leftist despite being an election year.  devildemocommiecrats are hypocritical pond scum


    Don't need no stinkin' hearings, so Democrats can be rude, hateful and ugly liars on TV.

    Git 'er done!!!

  • Just get it done. 

  • There's no language in the constitution even about hearings.. Just that the sitting president has the right to appoint and confirm..

    • Should read,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Senate confirmation.. 

  •  Why are we having this discussion, just because some whiney Democrats WHINED???  REALLY????  

    The President and the Senators BOTH get FULL TERMS of SERVICE, NOT whatever the whiney Dems think they should get whenever Repubs are in office!!!!

    • the devildemocommiecrats whine EVERY time they don't get their way.  they think they are our rulers, royalty over serfs.

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