24 More Charged In Massive Voter Fraud Investigation

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Federal prosecutors in North Carolina said Friday that 24 additional people have been charged in an ongoing probe into voter fraud, including two who are accused of illegally voting in the 2016 presidential election.

Gabriela Guzman-Miguel, 26, and Jose Abraham Navarro, 42, both of Mexico, are accused to have voted despite lacking the legal status to do so, the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina said in a list of defendants obtained by The Epoch Times. The list described both as aliens or immigrants.

A slew of other defendants were charged with falsely claiming U. S. citizenship in order to register to vote. Some also engaged in naturalization fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents relating to voter registration, officials said.

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  • Anyone who continues to maintain that there was no voter fraud in the last election or that there has never been election fraud is just plain lying.  But let's face it that is what Democrats do best.  They don't lie well, their lies are usually pretty transparent to anyone with a brain; but they certainly do it often.

  • let's face it people the election in 2020 is not a true election period.

    • Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution is the proof of it.Period!

  • Why am I not surprised.

  • Thank you JC.  They have to listen to us if we do not go away.

  • no surprise.......the old 'honest' democrats...

  • It's because the commies think that if they lie to us enough, we wil begin to believe it. Not me.

  • We hear various numbers of how many votes Trump received ... 74 million,76 million, 79 million.  None are correct.  Trump received approx.70% of the vote.  70% of 140 million equals 98 million; leaving 30% which equals 42 million.  It was a landslide of epoch proportions.

    • Do y'all feel like your vote has been disenfranchised, I do rotten sum bitches

    • The chicoms own brain dead biden & his son, they have to do what ever there pimps tell them, when trump was in office NONE of these country's acted like they do now, the end game of the democratic party [ and rino's] is the down fall of this country and the NWO, and I say, NOT ON MY WATCH, what say you AMERICA??

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