Hla Oo's Blog: Bill Of Rights of The United States Of America (1791)Do you remember the bill of rights? There are ten rights promised to Americans within it. Since the Chinese WuFlu pandemic hit, Americans have lost half of them and anyone who has studied human history knows the "temporary" loss of human rights is rarely temporary. Here's a comprehensive list, for those of you keeping track of the recent assaults on civil rights.

1.The First Amendment

The First Amendment is comprised of several rights including the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, press, and petition. We've lost three of those. Churches have been deemed "non-essential" and closed. Christians have been arrested for praying outside an abortion clinic. Pastors have been arrested for holding services in violation of the government's orders. The freedom of religion in this country is suddenly gone.

The right to assemble is also gone. Ordered not to gather in groups of more than ten, the people of America are effectively banned from protesting. This is a scary development. One of our most important rights is the ability to let our government know when they have overstepped their authority, like the massive protests we saw in Virginia a few months ago over their attempt to restrict the Second Amendment. We no longer have the right to amass in public to protest our government.

The right to petition is also scrubbed. This is a right that is largely overlooked but hugely important to the defense of liberties. The right to petition means the right to appear before your local government and hold them accountable for their actions. Because of the pandemic panic, all open meetings are now live-streamed and the public's access to their officials is effectively cut off.

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