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You read that right! If this Amendment goes through, specific citizens or even nameless groups of New Yorkers may be rounded up and held in concentration, I mean, detainment camps, for sixty days (or even longer!) if they're merely suspected of being in contact with someone who's suspected of being ill. Exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals are also listed as reasons New Yorkers may be rounded up en masse and put away.

Goodbye, America!

Hello, Nazi Germany!

Nazi Camps are nothing new to New York. During the 1930s, a summer camp to "promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany" was set-up in (now) Yaphank, NY. As recently as 2016, no one could purchase a home in Siegried Park in Yaphank without proving they were mainly of German derivation.

That's awful, isn't it!?

So why is NY Assemblyman N. Nick Perry proposing legislation that mimics Nazi-style carte blanche incarceration a la Scheveningen!?! And who is this character anyways?

According to Wikipedia (that font of all truth and knowledge), N. Nick Perry is a Democrat. No kidding, Sherlock. What was your first clue?

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