
  • Watch the 3 hour movie that Mike Lindell made, He states the facts and has the people who saw the steel going on in germany, france, and CHINA!  This was a FRAUD election Biden is Not my presedent! 

    • Nor mine, nor anyone's, no matter what is said.


  • Isn;t it a federal law that all election ballots and materials "have to be retained" for a period of twenty-two months??  Not that the demo-commies ever pay attention to any laws,, or rules other than their own.  You know, the ones "they make up as they go along".  Obviously, they have had time to destroy, or lose a lot of material; that has already happened in a couple of other states that had questionable results  -- -Georgia was one of those states.

    • we haven't follow the law since Obama took office.


  • You can forget about Maricopa County.  :-(

    Maricopa County Releases Junk Audit Reports – 12% Ballot Adjudication and Dominion Employee’s Use o…
    Guest post by Mark Maricopa County in Arizona recently released reports by two vendors who conducted election audits in early February. Witnesses wor…
  • I said 88% agree that the election was stolen 

    • it should have been 100% that the election was stolen from Trump.


  • Yes and even a lot of dems agree but what are doing about the fraud absolutely,,,,,nothing.  Once the supposed law of the land Supreme Courtv refuses to do their job the job of in forcing the law has to be done by the people!

  • What happen to the other 23% of the Republicans?  RINO'S ?

  • Courts would not get involved - Totally unsat !!!

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