WOW. Letter from over 76 members of the PA legislature asking Congress to reject PA’s electors. The focus is on multiple violations of Article II, Sec. 1, Cl. 2 by the Democrat Governor and Democrat Secretary of State.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) December 4, 2020
The Letter:
if robert preston were alive then he could sing "76 members [trombones]".
There are 256 Members in the PA State Legislature ... how will a mere 76 change anything? It is obvious that the majority of PA's legislature is unwilling to stand up for fair and lawful elections... The PA Legislature needs to reconvene and overturn the certification process due to the massive fraud... those in the legislature blocking its actions must be forced out of office as quickly as possible. The people must demand the resignation of those legislators who refuse to honor their vote.
Good friend for many yedars, Did you read what I wrote?
That group is about 30 percent of the total body. I'd say it merits consideration at least.
It is a very loud and raucous 30% It includes those representing aggresive counties such as, but not limited to whatsoever, Fulton and the muscle-flexing Bedford where the BLM was repulsed three times. I beieve RINOism is a mental defect related heavily to the mental dfefrect called liberalism..
Let me see... 70% are ok with the fraud? The State Legislature in PA is supposed to be under the control of the Republican Party... but 70% of them are ok with the defrauding their constituents in a Presidential election. The only merit that deserves is profound Public Scorn.
They have been receiving that scorn to the tune of thousands of calls and emails daily!
it's a sad day in America when we can not trust the people who run the government.
You know, Microsoft pauses link callup, and displays a big red page with white letters warning the reader that the link has phishing dangers. I wonder for who?
I continued anyway. The PA letter seemed straightforward enough for me. No Nigerian wealth offered either, if I cover the processing fees.
C O M E O N ! This is getting ridiculous.
The news reports do not give me much about which to feel encouraged. I have talked with Sen. Wayne Langerholc's office. Wayne is receiving literally thousands of calls and emails concerning this. I also called Jesse Topper's office who is also receiving literally thousands of calls and emails concerning this.. Both men were on Zoom conference calls when I called them. Jesse, a friend, quickly wrote me. So, they are asking the congress to not accept our electoral votes. I expressed that I would rather they reconvene in Harrisburg and override the voting and use a vote of their own making, which can be accomplished. But, the Senate Pro Tempore, a RINO, will not reconvene the senate. That brings many thoughts and questions to my mind concerning this elected stool. If Judge Alito cannot help us and all fails, I will work avidly to throw this anti-Patrick-Henry out of office. I am extremely worried for our country. If we lose the GA elections on 1/5/21, I am worried that we are doomed. As a Christian, I will then start to "look up" and wonder about the coming rapture. If you have not already done so, I implore you to join me in earnest prayer for our country and the world. If the USA goes down, so does the world. In order to destroy the mammoth vacuum that will occur, the new world order will be installed. Hello, rapture, tribulation, and the Second Coming. Jesus alone will have to rescue us.