4422168023?profile=RESIZE_710xSandy Mulcahy, an 84 year old widow, is being evicted from the home she and her family built in Aspen, Colorado.  Her son, an artist and former ski instructor for the Aspen Ski Company, built their house with his late father, Edward Lee "Bud" Mulcahy. 

Aspen's population is 6,788 people and Aspen Ski employs 4500 people during the winter.  Out of state billionaire Lester Crown's family owns Aspen Ski as well as global bomb maker General Dynamics.  Her son is currently in litigation with the powerful Chicago billionaire's Aspen Ski in the United States Supreme Court due to his ban for passing out a living wage flyer on public lands the company leases from the people.  https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/19a628.html

Instead of all the legal schmegal nonsense, Sandy Mulcahy, the 84 year old widow and philanthropist,* challenged the billionaire Lester Crown to a cross country ski off.  It is noted in an extension the Supreme Court recently approved for the Mulcahy's here:  https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/19/19A922/133624/20200220111314662_20200220-111041-95750036-00000133.pdf


Your Democratic city hall machine is still attempting to evict us from the
home we've built and to be clear, we have never been late on taxes.

The local judge that appears corrupt by all standards has appointed an out of town
corporate henchwoman from the infamous Greenwood Village (currently in the
10th circuit for blowing up an innocent family's home and refusing to pay for it) to
do "the Firm's" dirty work.

As an 84 year old widow, I challenge you to a cross country ski off race. Why not
a Sandy MulcahylLester Crown ski race at the base of Aspen? But if I win, peace
reigns in Aspen and we get to keep the home we built ourselves and y'all would
then stop banning us from every function known to man here.

If we win the challenge, we look forward to being an active member of the community we love
and will support the efforts to help keep Aspen healthy. We want to express our
love in the philanthropic efforts and outreach programs here in Aspen. There are
many ways to involve ourselves in this community to leave a positive impact.
Currently we are in essence handcuffed from the community we love. Please
accept this challenge as a way to bring peace and harmony for our community as
a whole in the spirit of good will so that we as a family and community can heal
and put differences aside by settling these conflicts in a peaceful and dynamic
manner. Let's put Aspen on the map as a unique and best place to live in the USA.

Sandy Mulcahy (center, in red)

* www.africawaterwells.org


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