
  • I shall contact the sheriff if we can find out what county that is....He sounds like a New Yorker.  And has that hit their local paper, talk radio stations? And who is his congressman.  This B.S. can be confronted pronto.

  • need to start voting out those who choose to represent non americans over americans

  • GET TO YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF.....If he doesn't respond PROPERLY on this...Head block to block and get the RECALL ELECTION SIGNATURES.  GET HIS REPLACEMENT. .  Get a lawyer for the elderly man..........Quit wasting time

    Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
    The CSPOA brings We The People with peace officers and sheriffs, educating all in an effort to restore America peacefully for our posterity.
  • I pray there is a special place in hell for places that do this travesty

  • "ILLEGALS" ! They don't believe that they are illegals. They said decades ago that they were going to take back their land ! This is war fokes ! And we are loosing !

  • Each nursing care home is owned by someone, company or corporation.  The elites WEF, UN, WHO are trying to bring total devolution to our country.  NOT going to be successful.  UN attempting to control all provision of health care.  NOT going to work or be successful!  Nursing care homes and providers will not comply!  

    • More thus far unknown data.......Let's find out .....

  • What a travesty. 

    • I'm livid over this act of selfishness on behalf of that nursing home.. Its all about the money.. Once that nursing home is full of illegals, Veterans in the area need to come together and shut that place down with a massive protest outside their doors..

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