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Dead voters march

71 Million Trump voters. It’s time we really fight back! Please share this with every Trump supporter you know! We need to be as impactful as we can. It’s time to MOBILIZE! It’s time we put forth the power we truly hold in this country. This working

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No bias?

Big Tech and the mainstream media continue to claim that there is no bias or impartiality toward any group or ideology. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey outlandishly testified before Congress that his company “believe[s] strongly in being impartial, and we st

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We have long been told that science is an ‘evidence-based approach’ to understanding particular phenomena and thus providing accurate guidance on how to proceed to achieve productive outcomes. Unfortunately, this claim is just propaganda for the unwa

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Far from being some wild conspiracy theory, there is sound prima facie evidence to indicate that this is a serious effort to expose a political scandal of the highest order, involving flagrant, criminal abuse of power at the top levels of the U.S. go

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Today the United States stands on the precipice of implosion, predicated by actions at the highest and most coordinated level. A concerted effort is taking place both across this nation and indeed this planet, to rig an election against the obvious w

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1 Reply · Reply by Skeptical Dec 5, 2020