The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791 First lets look at what is says; TEXT; A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
As the Texas legislature neared the end of its session and was poised to pass a new voting integrity bill, SB 7, Democrat lawmakers snuck out of the building, preventing the quorum required for voting on legislat
Denver School Board director-at-large Tay Anderson, a fervent Black Lives Matter activist, is accused of molesting over 60 undocumented students, using the residency status of the children to target kids as young as 14-years-old.
Loudoun County School Board just put a school teacher on administrative leave for stating he would not teach LGBTQ because it violates his Christian principles.
— Michael S. Miller (@imichaelsmiller) May 27, 2021
Joe Biden has always had a plagiarism problem. Now, he can’t stop stealing the words of one of history’s greatest monsters: Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse-tung.
Over the last year, Biden has repeatedly quoted the same phrase in numerous contexts
Local NAACP offended by steel cable loop holding an American flag on a construction crane.
A possible noose reported to Central Connecticut State University turned out to be a common sight across America: an American flag hanging from a construction
President Joe Biden will ignore the annual Rolling to Remember motorcycle rally in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day despite past presidents taking part in the day’s events.
Organizers for the rally told Breitbart News they had not been contacted by t
Often, we forget that Memorial Day is a day not for merchandise sales and or the unofficial start of Summer. But rather it is a day set aside to honor those brave men and women who have fallen in the performance of their military duties while servi
LEO TERRELL on Patrisse Cullors real estate buying spree: "Last summer, after the Floyd case, BLM intimidated corporations to pay them. Show me the money! Where has that $90 million gone to? There needs to be an investigation by the IRS into Black L