Two Republican-run Senate committees on Wednesday released new evidence they say shows Hunter Biden and his business associates were working deals as late as 2017 tied to communist China and Russian energy interests, arguing the activities create
Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian Spec`Ops directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense. Listen closely;
We will splinter the [ CIA ] into a 1.000 pieces; 18 - 11 A WHOLE NEW SPECIAL OPS BOOM 🦅💥💥💥 pic
SEE-> LTG McInerney: “2 wks aft Obama came in '09, moved CIA to Secret SCIF, started listening in on U.S. citizens, “Chief Justice(s)”, politicians, etc...Comey&Brennan, redesigned;target American Citizens, specifically, Donald Trump @realDonaldTrum
Independent journalist Megyn Kelly is pulling her children out of school and leaving New York City after her boys’ school promoted a call to “reform white children” and accused white people of “reveling in their state-sanctioned depravity” and slaug
Hunter Biden has been conspicuously absent since the discovery of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s corrupt pay-to-play ChiCom dealings, evidence of which abounds on Hunter’s laptop. One might fairly ass
ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back. Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do
{ } ~ The key to conservatives reclaiming and rescuing any sense of America as we have known it for the last several decades is education. Not just raising our children to kn
Tonight I’m calling for the eventual prosecution of donald trump and his enablers for their many crimes against the United States.
This week, Abigail Shrier, author of the new book "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters," found herself at the center of a firestorm. Her great crime: writing an assessment of the psychological phenomenon known as rapid
Handouts blamed the pandemic on racism and capitalism gave Chinese government a pass
A District of Columbia public school teacher encouraged students to blame the coronavirus pandemic on racism and capitalism instead of China, according to a lesson
Election tech company Dominion Voting Systems is rebutting assorted claims of partisan bias and voting manipulation in the 2020 election, including rumors of a secret U.S. military raid on purported servers in Germany and ownership interests and oth
Its now proven Dominion representatives were present in the Maricopa County Central Tabulation Center for the General Election 2020. Were Dominion representatives still responsible for tabulating votes during the General Election 2020? We need answers
I have been paying very close attention to reports on the coronavirus since March and have noticed an interesting development that amounts to a false narrative tha
The Democrats dismiss any mention of the innumerable irregularities that tainted the general election as little more than crackpot conspiracy theories. This is a convenient way to avoid addressing serious questions raised by serious observers, but it