Biden, like most Dems, forgets that all of these illegals have broken our laws coming here we don't know how many other laws they have committed. Hopefully, Biden at the very least vets the incoming group to prevent more bad elements from entering ou
Do not give up hope people, we may end up having our rights and freedoms restored to us and the end of a nightmare at an end. No, I am not talking about social media control, I am talking about a nation in crisis.
What will be the toll on America with one million-plus illegal immigrants joining our communities EVERY YEAR during Biden’s administration? Most people think in terms of job loss or strains on community services, but there is much more to consider. A
The Georgia Secretary of State’s office opened an investigation on Monday into former U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results, an official in the office told Reuters.
The news will raise questions as to why authorities allowed a predominantly peaceful Trump speech and rally in Washington, D.C. to be infiltrated and overtaken by forces who had planned for violence in advance.
A case before the US Supreme Court Supreme Court will decide whether law enforcement officers have the right, under the 4th Amendment’s “community caretaking” exception, to enter your house and take your legally owned firearm(s) without a warrant.
In 2018, @tedlieu threatened “widespread civil unrest” if Trump fired Mueller. This wasn’t a fluke, either. He repeatedly said people should “take to the streets” if Trump did so (which as we know he didn’t).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.
CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by
OANN CEO Robert Herring offers Lou Dobbs a new home on the competing cable news network.
One America News Network CEO Robert Herring seemingly offered a job to former-Fox Business host, Lou Dobbs, after his former network fired him following a lawsu
Haven’t heard about any national anthem protests at Mavericks games? There’s a good reason for that: Dallas isn’t and won’t be playing “The Star-Spangled Banner” anymore.
In a recent Salon interview, former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi calls for a large-scale “de-radicalization approach” to “Trump’s political cult members” who have been radicalized “for the last four years,” while stating the need to “depro
President Biden’s son-in-law’s investment in a health care company involved in the coronavirus vaccine effort is raising eyebrows in ethical circles after the president pledged that family members would have no influence in government matters, accor