What Wonder Is This
What wonder is this that we should be given the privilege and honor to tell the story of God’s grace and His immutable plan to establish His righteousness in man…
What wonder is this that the sun should shine and the day should begin with dawns early light… That night should end and the Day Star begin… that man should arise to glory in Him…
What wonder is this, that God should consider our day and brings us along on our merry way… too enlighten us with the beginning of wisdom in our sheltered mind… what glory for man to find God in his life, His promise to mankind.
What wonder is this … that drives us early to seek the Lord and His open-door… too, speak with the almighty early, too bless the poor and widow more…
What wonder is this that God’s bliss should rest in us whose nature is of the earthly, so frail but born in the image of so mighty a God as our Lord Jesus Christ…
Let us no more wonder at the mystery of our incarnation… of the Glory God gave us, to be one with Him … For so do the fallen angels, wonder at man’s fallen state, yet man is adorned with God’s own glory … through His Son… that we should be One… one with God, and the Son. Amen.
And to make us in HIs image and likeness, and to enable us to carry/wear His Glory and Light. How amazingly blessed we are to wear HIs image and likeness, to be a part of the generation that has seen the fig tree bloom and to know that this generation shall not pass...
We are called and chosen for such a time as this. He calls his Lazarus generation, and says to us, Lazarus, Come Forth. There is violence in heaven as on earth. And He calls us, the Violent, to TAKE IT BY FORCE. What AMAZING truth is this, that He arms us, guides us, leads us into battle to fight both in the spiritual and in the natural. What wonders we aill see in heaven. Thy Kingdom Come. Amen.
He breaketh the bow and scatters mine enemy... He smites the arrow in mid-flight and confuses the mind of the wicked... He teaches my hands to war and girds my loins with strength, He causes me to mount up on high; too, look down upon my enemy... Yeah, He giveth me power over the field that lay before me, and the sight to see my enemies path... He embraces me, and shelters me against the sword and the spear; against, the devices of my enemy, and the plague that devours those in the world...
Now comes His Spirit upon the weak to make them strong... now comes the Word and His Prophets... too, deliver the forsaken, to lift up the low and humble from the path of the destroyer, He shall make an open show of the wicked and the vile... Their smoke shall ascend on high and the flames of their destruction shall be seen from afar. For God's Arm of Righteousness shall avenge the poor and lift up the countenance of the righteous... He shall give refuge to all who shall call upon His name... All who lay wounded upon field and plane, shall He save, saith the Lord of Glory... For in Him is found Eternity's Gate and the Balm of Gilead to heal thy wounds and make thee whole... Amen.
Amen...Make straight the way of the Lord for He comes in clouds of Glory... He comes for His Bride, He comes... And the World shall see Him in all His Glory, high and lifted up, at the sound of the Trumpet, they shall look up and see Him, no more in doubt the righteous shall arise and the wicked cry for the rocks to hide them... For their days are numbered and their end shall come.
Herein lies the hope of mankind... and the desire of nations too know God as His Children, to be adorned with God's own glory... His Holy Spirit.
Wonder no more at the mystery which calls mankind to investigate all things... too, seemingly search endlessly the marvels of creation as he seeks an explanation for his own being... Too, discover the missing element in his need to be COMPLETE... too be full, too know His Father, his kind.
For I tell you, our COMPLETION and fullness exist in our need to fill the empty space in our soul with the Spirit of God... which is the only power that can satisfy mankind's restless search to be complete. Too, be united with God in Holy Communion... Too, be as One, even as He and Christ are One... Even as Christ hath prayed that we all shall be one body, and of one faith and baptism... in the Spirit of Life... through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and savior... now and forever. Amen.
Wonder no more at the cares of this world... as it is dying without the Spirit of Life there can be no life. All of creation groans with anticipation of its redemption from the corruption of sin... much like our own government life in the carnal nature of mankind is doomed to repeat its errors and to finally self-destruct. The whole of creation shall be consumed by fire and a new heavens and Earth shall be made... one without sin or the carnal nature of mankind.
We are watching the closing ACT in the theater of mankind... he is but a fool who struts and frets his hour upon the stage, only to be heard no more... The unredeemed man is but a fool, believing there is no God, he has condemned himself to an eternity in the lake of fire along with hell and every evil work, among men and the fallen angels, who abandoned their first estate for the carnal knowledge of sin and power... an abiding rebellion in the wicked.