“Whitewashing AID History” was written by Sean Strub, a long-time advocate for people living with AIDS. Strub accuses Fauci of rewriting his role in handing the AIDS crisis in America. Bear in mind that the article was published six years ago. This is long before Fauci was revered by the media and half of America for his handling of COVID-19. Here is my summary:
Fauci was the “pandemic czar” at this time (1980s). A group of physicians implored Fauci to provide national guidelines for a generic drug that is saving the lives of their patients (Bactrim). Fauci refused to acknowledge their evidence and did not lift a finger to have the NIH test the effectiveness of this drug.
Fauci told the public that there was “no data” supporting the effectiveness of this generic medication and even discouraged physicians from following this protocol. Fauci promoted exclusive use of the extremely expensive retroviral product (AZT).
Substitute the words “2020, hydroxychloroquine, and Remdesivir” for all words in parenthesis and you summarize Fauci’s current policy on COVID-19.
We now know Bactrim works because in 1990 this drug was approved by the FDA for treatment of AIDS as a result of clinical trials financed by AIDS patients. Nevertheless, an estimated 17,000 AIDS patients suffocated to death from bacterial pneumonia between then and the meeting with Fauci in 1987. How the venerable immunologist was able to keep his job following this level of criminal negligence is a testament as to how the deep state rewards style over substance.
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