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  • WOW! Glad somebody woke up.

    • I agree with you

  • It's amazing to me how C-SPAN covered the Republican convention and no one else cover except one America News Network.

  • I was listening to C-SPAN the other day and I was surprised that a Democrats will vote for Republican and I said way to go.

  • Someone finally discovered they really DID have a brain, afterall and could make reasonable decisions for themselves!

  • Not if they can screw up the election with the mail in ballots. It will be as mess and that is just what they want.

  • Americans can clearly see how Trump is making America great again. Gone are the riots, chaos, fiscal disarray and all the suffering under obummer. Americans will reward him with a huge landslide win in November.

    • I wish the riots and chaos Were gone, but they are not, not yet. Haven't you seen Kenosha Wisconsin in the last couple days? But I hope and pray that they will be gone soon and all these anarchist will be locked up somewhere so that they can start up again and I'd love to see the instigators of these people these BLM and antifa people I would love to see the instigators of them and the ones who are providing the money get locked up with them Were gone, but they are not, not yet. Haven't you seen Kenosha Wisconsin in the last couple days? But I hope and pray that they will be gone soon and all these anarchist will be locked up somewhere so that they can start up again and I'd love to see the instigators of these people these BLM and antifa people I would love to see the instigators of them and the ones who are providing the money get locked up with them

    • It was worse under obummer and it would be worse under Biden. Trump is doing an amazing job, and he is the only trustworthy person out there. You and everyone else knows it, too. 

    • Well Paul I know Trump is doing a fabulous job and of course I am all for him! But you said, gone are the riots, chaos etc. I'm just saying they're not gone yet and hopefully soon! And I know President Trump wants to take action with them of course he does! And I pray he will do it soon and quickly. But it's not gone yet that is my point!

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