A state of war exists on the Southern border... and all the Speaker of the House and GOP do is take a trip to the border for a photo op. Where are the Impeachment Resolutions for the VP, President, and ALL of his cabinet... Treason is afoot, among other impeachable crimes and the GOP's answer to the dissolution of the USA is to take a vacation on the border.

Mr. Speaker, how about passing a Congressional Resolution (CR) declaring that A STATE OF WAR EXISTS ON OUR SOUTHERN BORDER? Help the States justify a coordinated defense of our borders and soverignty.  

See Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3Overview of the Compact Clause | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US L...   A Congressional Resolution (CR) declaring a state of war exists along our Southern Border and must be repelled.  Congress's acknowledgment of the invasion will give the states the authority and power to coordinate and defend our borders until properly relieved by the Federal government.  It will acknowledge the TREASON TAKING PLACE and put on notice those involved to expect retribution shortly.

The Federal Government's support for the asymmetrical war along our southern border is treason...  levying war against the USA, adhering to our enemies, and giving them aid and comfort is treason.  The current federal government's policies, aid, and comfort, given to the invaders constitute support for an act of asymmetrical war against the USA... a massive act of treason (waging war against the US by proxy).  The illegal alien population poses a 'clear and present danger' to our National Security.

We were promised Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden by the GOP House ... where are they? We were promised fiscal restraint by the House... GOP... where is the restraint? Billions are going to foriegn wars and to support ILLEGAL ALIENS living off the taxpayers? The GOP is a joke... it has become part of the problem. We need a new party and the voters of both major parties need to throw out everyone currently serving.

If the State Governors and Legislatures fail to act to secure the border... it is over... America will lose its soverignty as a Constitutional Republic... the Union will dissolve and the people's security and liberty will be forfeited to a new world Marxist order.

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  • NOTE:

    Congress is obliged by Article 4, Section 4... to guarantee every state in the Union a Republican Form of government and shall protect each of them from INVASION... including an invasion by proxy... an invasion by a belligerent Army composed of illegal mass migrants.

    See Article 4, Section 4 hereU.S. Constitution - Article IV | Resources | Constitution Annotated...   

    Congress has a Constitutional duty to defend the several states against invasion ... by proxy or directly. Congress has failed to exercise its responsibility to defend the states and this must end if we are to save the Republic and our Constitutional Union.

  • It doesn't take a President to declare war... Congress is the BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE for declaring war ... and guess what, the GOP holds a majority in the House...

    The GOP could pass a CR declaring a 'state of war' exists along our Southern Border... providing the several States, Congress's authority to defend our borders per Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3  (The Compact Clause).  The GOP should be holding hearings on the language for a Congressional CR... declaring a state of WAR exists along our Southern Border...  instead of pulling off more phony political theater to make it appear they are defending our nation's soverignty... trips to the movies or border town theater are not effective government.

    A Congressional CR should signal the states to mobilize a defense of our sovereignty.  It would signal the DNC that their aiding and abetting an open border policy is TREASON 

  • Yup, declare war and start shooting anyone who is trying to cross.....see how long before they turn around!

    • A Congressional  CR, declaring war on the army of aliens entering the US Illegally would... 

      1) Inform the Courts that Congress has determined a State of War Exists. 

      2) The CR would provide the several States with the Constitutional authority to defend the border AND THE INTERIOR AGAINST, OPEN BORDER BELIGERANTS... Illegal aliens...

      3)  Inform, US Citizens that adhering to and giving aid and comfort to the invading army of belligerent migrants is TREASON. 

      I find no reason for the House to delay the passage of such a CR... to do so would signal the GOP's complicit conduct with such TREASON.

  • Let the House's (CR) detail the points of law regarding the treason taking place... Our senior leadership and every department of the Federal Government must be put on notice that this invasion by mass migration is an act of war and support for it is treason. 

    The Speaker must push for a  House CR immediately upon return from the Border... labeling the mass migration a form of asymmetrical war which will then give the States the Constitutional authority to coordinate among themselves to secure and defend the border until properly relieved by the US Military.

    Note: Drug, Sex, and Child trafficking would also stop or be dramatically reduced.

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