Let the US House of Representatives pass a House Resoluiton (HR)... to declare an 'INVASION' exists along our National and State borders... Let it establish that a response to said invasion will no longer 'ADMIT DELAY'  and directly threatens our National Security and the Public's safety. 

Let the resoluiton authorize the States to repel this 'invasion'... until the Federal government properly demonstrates it is WILLING and capable of defending and securing our States and National border.  See Article 1, Section 10, Clause 4 of the US Constitution for the Constitutional auhtority for his (HR).

Use the (HR) to Constitutionally define, and legally acknowledge the invasion ... Let the Resolution provide the States with the Authority... to coordinate, enforce, and secure their portion of the Nation's borders against the invasion... too, stop all illegal migration, and remove the illegal migrants from the US by the most expedient means.  See Article 4, Section 10, Clause 4 of the US Constitution.

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  • Remove Speaker Johnson... no speaker is better than a lying, deceptive, Speaker... His latest list of accomplishments by the Speaker was an amazing display of fantasy and CREATIVE SPEECH...

    The only way the POWER OF THE PURSE works is if those controlling the purse are willing to lock it up and shut down the government looking for it to fund them... failure to shut down the government is irresponsible given the additional 2 Trillion Johnson's compromised appropriations bill approves.

  • House Resolutions don't require the US Senate or President to sign off or approve.  The GOP controls the House... this Resolution should pass and would provide States like Texas the House's position on Texas's CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to defend its borders when the Federal Government REFUSES.

    Do we have a Republican Party any longer... what has it become?  Speaker Johonsoon ram this HR through the House... defend our National borders and the State's right to defend their border.

  • Bump...

    Where is Speaker Johnson on this critical issue... where are the GOP/RNC leaders running to sign on to SPONSOR such an HR?

    it appears the GOP is not interested in legislation that would support a closed border... are we being sold out again? The GOP is becoming the party of betrayal.  Does anyone care?

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