Has anyone noticed a slowdown with Joe? He isn’t drooling, he isn’t muttering to himself any more than plenty of other people do, but something seems different. Or maybe rather than different, something seems deeply familiar.
No, it isn’t the sort of cognitive decline we’ve all seen with loved ones. Rather, according to ABC’s newest nuke, the encroaching senility that has our former vice president hiding in his basement is simply… Russian propaganda.
Don’t laugh! This is serious stuff. National security! It took four reporters, with help from a fifth to write this story. It runs nearly 1,600 words. They have a document. It’s called: “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of US Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” and some super-earnest bureaucrat wanted it distributed to America’s top law enforcement so they could be on the lookout for this menace. His boss wouldn’t let him, so of course, he gave it to the media.
But why wouldn’t they let him? Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told Fox’s Dana Perino it was “a very poorly written report,” he and intelligence and analysis “officials had questions about it,” and “they’re hard at work on rewriting that report, putting it in better context.” But that’s not it, according to the Biden camp (and their five reporters), who know the real reason is “Russia and the Trump campaign are speaking from the same script of smears and lies.”
Now they’ve got your attention, don’t they?
We well know this isn’t the first time the Russians have had their way with a U.S. election. There was, of course, the infamous hack. While that bit of trickery didn’t actually cause Hillary Clinton to lie about Serbian sniper fire, reroute Her campaign travel away from Wisconsin, or cause Her to “abruptly collapse after just 90 minutes outside in mild weather,” it did trick John Podesta into giving his password to a basic fishing scheme.
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If the truth is being reported... it should be the same. The fact that Biden is medically challenged with what appears to be Senior Senility should be the same if true.
Biden is sick can anyone see that?
The Main Street Media's Treasonous behavior is actually becoming comical.................To the sane,that is!
Sleepy Joes probem is the lack of adrenochrome because of the crack down child trafficing..