Accepting the Coup and Stolen Election

The media has successfully convinced Americans to accept the unconstitutional and fraudulent election, and accept the coup's overthrow of government. That is why nobody is talking about it. Everyone you see on television that you rely on has surrendered. There is no mention of the obviously unconstitutional and fraudulent election allowed.

If Americans allow the coup to overthrow the government and steal their country, the country is gone forever. There is no more a democratic process. The Democrats demonstrated they can steal any election they want. The people no longer control, or even influence government. The next election they will steal is for governor of Texas. If the people of Texas do not accept the stolen election, they will bring the full weight of the government, to include the Armed Forces, to subjugate the people of Texas and force them to accept their puppet state government.

The definition of the United States is the Constitution. There is no other definition. There is no more a United States. Americans have been proved to be nothing more than sheep being led to slaughter.

Tell me where I am wrong.

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  • You are pretty much right. Having seen how the most remote-for-redress form of government, the Federal government, has been usurped is horrifying. It was done by following the guidence of a famous German socialist to,"Use the tools of Democracy, to destroy Democracy". The foundation document, the Constitution, that defines Federal authority and powers in limited scope, has made no remedial provision for the Joint Congressional certification of States fraudulent electoral results (this and other state and federal weaknesses have been exploited). That certification is what defines a presidential candidate as victor to be installed. Fortunately at the state and local levels, where the voting electorate may express the Peoples will in recall, initiative, and referendum, contributing problems to the federal fiasco can be resolved separately in all 50 states and in US territories. But this should have been an on-going process anyway under the truism that the price of freedom is constant vigilance. If they do not correct the election issues, they get the government they rate.


    • Agreed 100%. There were not enough states that obeyed the Constitution (following the rules established by the state legislature) to elect a president, thus the election was unconstitutional. There is no authority that can certify an unconstitutional process.If the Constitution was followed, 1) the Supreme Court would have heard the Texas case with more than 20 other states joining, like Article III of the Constitution commands the Supreme Court to do; and 2) because there were not enough states that obeyed the Constitution the election should have beeen determined by the House of Representatives with each state having one vote.

      The fact is, Trump won the election with over 70% of the legitimate vote, the election was stolen with election and voter fraud, and the Constitution was violated to put in place an illegitimate government.

    • If I may press the point, the Federal branches acted as a team (very anti checks-and-balances) in thwarting every bid to present benefit-of-doubt for electoral challenge to the Joint Congress.

      They certified an election load in the excuse they knew no reason not to, that EVERYONE OF THEM DID (its a small town). 

      So having a due process election concluded in technicality, but in violation to the processes spirit of intent, by the will and for benefit of the People, we are facing the contrived dilemna. How shall we save the village without burning it down?

      I state it cannot directly be done Constitutionally (to my great distaste). Instead, outside of a very few procedural options, the state and local governments must be cleansed and redefined with servants and policies Constitutionally reflecting the Peoples will. The means to do so there exists. By consensus and time, the rebellious Federal servant will bow to its master, the Union of Sovereign states.

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