
  • Let's all remember that the Bible... KJV is a TRANSLATION... it is not a precise, word-for-word, mirror image of the God-Breathed original Hebrew and Greek Text.  However, it is as close as possible given the intricate linguistic problems with all translatons.  That is one reason we should use several translations and the original text where possible to arrive at the best understanding possible... We must always PRAY over scriptural text for discernment, asking the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding.'

    We should also remember that no SINGLE TEXT stands alone... any problems in translation can often be clarified by referring to other scriptures within the same translation for clarity and authoritative understanding.. For every issue in life, there are many scriptural references.

  • Where are the counter suites by the GOP/RNC and Texas.... sue these asses into bankruptcy... thesir frivolous lawsuit need to be met with massive counter suites... making it very expensive and personally risky  (file disbarment procedures for activist lawyers and judges) who abuse the law and legal ethics. Get tough... stop playing softball and go hardball.

    • Whenever 90% of the AMNESTY CASES filed are dismissed for fraud or obvious defects it is time to DISBAR the LAWYERS BRINGING SUCH CASES.  I would suggest that the pettifoggers involved would be out of business as lawyers and in the food stamp line if they had to practice ethical law... These walking miscarriages of justice all need to be sanctioned or disbarred for their frivolous defense of illegal alien trafficking... their licenses to practice law need to be suspended or forfeited. 

  • All agreed here, we have all of us to admit we are in a war. GOOD VS. EVIL!! WE MUST STAND TOGETHER OR WE WILL HANG SEPARATELY!! Let's all Drag out our Bible's for that is the One Guide for Good or Evil. This way we don't have to ask for opinions. It's All in the book!! 


  • The principles of self-government extend to each state, rendering to each one, sovereign autonomy.
    However, to the degree that each state has willingly, ignorantly and foolishly, invited or allowed the feds to come in and usurp land, space, jurisdiction and authority—is the degree to which that state threw away what the founders and framers gave us. We are still clueless today, as are the courts, as to what we are supposed to be.

    Quote from James Madison. Essay on Sovereignty, Dec. 1835

    "Now all Sovereigns are equal; the Sovereignty of the State is equal to that of the Union; for the Sovereignty of each is but a moral person.[social compact]
    That of the State and that of the Union are each a moral person; & in that respect precisely equal."

    Further, he considered each as a separate nation, unless the majority (of people) within one border, voluntarily choose (self-government) to submit itself and its people to another authority (DC).
    But the above, as written by Madison, is what we are SUPPOSED to have.

    Further, SCOTUS misses the bus again and again.....As long as stari decisis, or lazy thinking and research, continues to be the rudder of the courts—we will not have what we are supposed to have.
    As long as they cannot get to the core of any issue, the ship continues to stall in mud, as in the mud of stinking thinking.
    YES—I am accusing them of laziness. And cowardice. And of not understanding Natural LAW. YES, YES, YES. They must be afraid of the Declaration as they avoid it like the plague. 

    "But, whenever a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security."  Amen.

    James Madison: Essay on Sovereignty, Dec. 1835
    • The Bible tells us to Go, Subdue, Be fruitful, Take dominion, Occupy, Open the Gates, Shut the Gates. Watch, Teach, Raise, Command. Fight.

      He has given us His Authority and Dominion over powers, principalities and rulers of dark.There are far too many scriptures about walls, gates, war, watchers, armies, shields, swords, angels and demons, to miss the idea of warring for this world, as ALL authority has been given to Him. And He has given us marching orders, and angels to keep us from hitting our foot upon a stone. There are messages throughout scripture such as He teaches my hands to fight and my fingers to war. Those hands and fingers are not for sitting still in a closet. Take the gates. Rebuild the walls. A nation is blessed when the fruit is righteousness occupying, in peace, all 7 mountains. The Peace comes AFTER the War. The 91st is but one of David's War Psalms.

      This means that we are to actively move into kingdoms of man and turn them into Kingdoms for Christ so we reign as His Heirs and Joint Heirs with Christ. Further, since He has His own Mountain, the Mountain of the Lord—and He has 7 eyes and 7 horns, He is alluding to the 7 mountains of Family, Faith, Media, Business/Economy, Arts & Entertainment, Education and finally, Government/Politics/Law/Justice. Jesus said, "Preach the Kingdom is HERE." As in NOW. Then He said, I have given YOU the keys to the Kingdom. That is for NOW.

      He sets US in a large place, a high place and a wide place.

      He gives us gifts to do all of this, plus—power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons. If we do not understand there are 3 heavens, His Heaven is the 3rd Heaven and is above all principalities, powers and rulers of dark–and that satan's rule is of the 2nd heaven, which is our atmosphere—and then, the 3rd heaven that is here on earth is be our dominion, then we are deluded by false religious preachers of passivity and rapture-rug-itis, get-out-of-jail-free theology and there are plenty of them. You know as well as I do that Scoffield changed the Bible, as did King James. The very word "Ekklesia" was taken out by KJ, which means the Governing Authority here on earth. Touching on this are the examples of Boaz, Queen Esther, Rahab, the Good Samaritan and the Samaritan woman at the well, all operating in the natural— in our dominion and rule.

      LIke our founders, all risked some and some risked all. Queen Esther, after risking all—became equal to the King's authority. She wrote the Decree. That had never happened before, except for Deborah and Jael, and then, Queen Esther. The Prodigal Son also gives a similar message in a different way.

      It actually is why we are all in here in PCC, all trying to figure out ways to take the evil powers down. Outside of here, hopefully, each is committed to doing something in some way. Not just sitting around. It is, however, not all natural, it is spiritual even moreso.

      The parables of the ten talents and the unlit lamps are there for good reason, as they expose the passive church. Remember, those parables were in the HOUSE of the Master, that is the church itself. And it is all going to change as it always begins with His House. The Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent TAKE IT BY FORCE. That is here and now. We are entering a new season, clearly, as the natural signs depict Trump as the "before and after," with the spiritual authority to turn this country back to safety. It is our job, though, to turn the moutains in ways that each of us can do, whatever that it. Not so easy to find out, though....without Holy Spirit's guidance, we spin in circles, Maybe one example of fighting is simply writing Trump's name in, instead of letting Domion change our vote.

      Obviously, this is all in addition to prayers, decrees, etc. Things like writing Congress is but one, another is saying Merry Christmas, another is saying Male and Female and SEX, instead of what satan wants us to bow the knee to (Gender). (it is the same deception as satan leading us to call our government a democracy vs the Republic, if we can keep it) Correct any and all who still call us that thing.

      So, little things can also mean a lot. All satan has is words, take them back......Make America Literate again. MALA. 
      Small things add up just as a little breech in the dam becomes a mighty breech, the opposite is true as well. He said so, in "The tongue is a mighty member and rudder, able to turn a large ship." with great power." He said in Mark 11:23. MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN by the words of your mouth...cast it into the sea, do not doubt, it shall come to pass." Jesus taught THIS. This is but one way of occupying, dominion, taking it by force. We might think it is nothing, but not in His eyes or heart. We should not demean the little things for they add up to much. 

      A prophetic church, with a Prophet anointed for America, is well equipped to teach spiritual warfare. They are on YouTube also. Make a difference. Fight the good fight of Faith.

    • Think about 0bama's mastery of words, to deceive and destroy. Black Lives Matter.  Occupy.  Cops acted stupidly.  Clinging to their guns and Bibles.
      Look at the power of those words spoken from the highest position of authority in this land, from the highest mountain of Government,
      Even with usurped authority, that position of authority changed this nation for the worse. We all know it. Think what we can do if we take what God has given us and use it to fight.

  • Where is the cross-petition by the State... sue the ACLU for filing a frivolous suit (S)... demand judgment for the full cost of defending such a suit.  Bankrupt the ACLU... start filing cross petitions demanding monetary judgment and sanctions until they no longer exist.  All of the GOP-controlled states should join Texas in suing the ACLU...

    Time to go on the offense... one can not win by remaining on the defense.  Declare war on lawfare and use the State AGs to defend against their abuses of the legal system.

    • Totally agree

    • P/S It is past time the states hold both the attorneys and the firms/organizations accountable for frivolous acts and the abuse of our legal system.... AGs need to file disbarment actions and personal lawsuits against these liberal pettifoggers...  Stop giving them a pass, nail them for ethics violations, and for abusing the legal system for political gain.  Stop playing softball with the unethical and lawless pettifoggers.

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