
    • Larry, no, he should be hanging from a gallows, dangling in the wind after he suffocated at the end of the rope!!!!!  Those that hang don't deserve the quick death of a broken neck after the TREASON they have committed against We the People, especially the gop establishment TRAITORS who have committed worse TREASON by lying to us!!!!!  At least the devildemocommiecrats are open about their TREASON, they don't even try to hide it!!!!!!!!!!


  • Needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of town

  • I wouldn't believe anything Kinzinger had to say about President Trump, He has a history of being a back stabbing weasel, proven by his RINO position on important conservative issues. (and he also appears to be a fake crier, looking for sympathy)

  • Another liar in our midst.   

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