
  • What we really need to do is to convince the Democrats who sit home that we must get lout in force at the polls to insure there are enough of us to overcome any attempt to defraud the election with illegal votes. If they come up with twice as many votes as there are registered voters, tahen we have automatic standing in court and the liberal judges can't refuse to hear the evidence.

  • I don't know who is asking these questions, but she never followed up with explanitory questions. The Democrats are the Alqueada, they are spewing lies and conspiracies because that is what thier base wants. They are also violent and promote violence. The Trump base has never done any violence. It is the Democrat base that is fomenting the violence and the Nazi national news media promotes the violence on the left. No one can state any violence form the Trump suppoerters. But let me remind you that we will not stay silent for too long. There are more of us then of the left communists. They know that, but again, the nazi news media tries like hell to make it seem as though they are more then us. The Nazi news media is afraid of us. They know if they ever give up, we will come after them with a passion. Whta is really screwed up is that the Nazi news media also knows that when the SHTF they will be the first to be taken out by thier so called friends. Keep on with your lies and conspiracies. 

  • We just need to follow the Constitution.

  • I will do my part to eliminate all demoncrats in my voting area and send them packing

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