Mayor Keisha? Ethnic Names No Obstacle For Black Candidates ...

Hours after a fired police officer was charged with felony murder for fatally shooting a man in the back, Atlanta police officers are not responding to calls in three of the department’s six zones, multiple sources within the Atlanta Police Department told CNN on Wednesday evening.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard earlier in the day announced 11 charges against Garrett Rolfe, who was fired after he shot Rayshard Brooks twice in the back on Friday night. A third shot hit a car with three people inside.

The police department said an unusual number of officers working the late shift had called out sick. The mayor said the city would be OK.

“There’s a lot happening in our cities and our police officers are receiving the brunt of it, quite frankly,” Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. She said the city has committed to the officers through a big pay raise, and “we expect that our officers will keep their commitment to our communities.”

She said she thinks morale is down tenfold.

“We do have enough officers to cover us through the night,” she said. “Our streets won’t be any less safe because of the number of officers who called out. But it is just my hope again that our officers will remember the commitment that they made when they held up their hand and they were sworn in as police officers.”

The mayor didn’t say how many officers had called out.
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  • I'm sure "morale is down tenfold", if not more. Police officers are under physical and rhetorical attack, and city and county officials do nothing to defend them but instead cave in to ridiculous ideas like "defund the police." The policical "leadership" bears full responsibility for what is happening here

  • NOT GUILTY! If they have already convicted this neighborhood hero then I can prejudge his trial...NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!!

  • all the cop in Atlanta should stay home and not going to work until the mayor and the governor change there way of doing things


    Why would any cop want to go to work, especially in the ATLANTA area, when they MAY get charged with a crime for doing their job?

    I would not.

  • I hope all the police walk out, then let these creeps fend for themselves. I watched the video the police were fully justified in their actions

  • Didn't she have to hold her hand and swear she would uphold the constitution? Why aren't these mayors being shot for treason!

  • Why should the cops honor their committment to you when you don't honor your committment to them!! EVERY ATLANTA COP SHOULD WALK OFF THE JOB SO THE MAYOR CAN SEE HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE AND STOP DEMONIZING THEM!!

  • This is all so wrong.  First off, you don't charge someone unless all the facts are looked at and an investigation is done.  Did they even bother?  He is white so he is guilty!  What a sham.


    • Like the George Floyd matter, the event is seemingly completely wrong. But I am a trial attorney and therefore believe that we have no truth until we have cross-examination. The correct approach is to put the officer on desk duty until there has been a full investigation. But today's climate demands "legal lynching," and that's what the poliiticians are delivering. We desperately need leaders in office, not panderers. As it is going, we will inherit the whirlwind

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