
  • NO. We should never have trusted them after the original Roe v Wade, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they could and would tie the Constitution and Declaration BOTH into knots by inventing a right to "Privacy" not found in the Constitution.

    Further examples, twisting the application of 0care into a tax, behest of the SCOTUS again. Then, altering Title VII Civil Rights Law in order to add special protections for Transgenders. And there are more.

    How did we get to where we are? Read again. That is how. Exactly how. Morality and Law—CANNOT be separated. Further examples abound, as they "tinkered around the edges" on things like affirmative action and racial discrimination. These are BLATANT examples of "tinkering around the edges."

    Discrimination is either Right or it is Wrong—in all situation, in all positions, in all times, for all peoples, always. As Lincoln said, "I shall never be a master, nor shall I be a slave."
    Thus slavery is wrong all the time, thus, again from Lincoln, "It is never right for one person to own another person."

    How did we get transgenderism, beyond what Roberts did? We AFFIRMED LGBTQIA+ by LAW. THAT is how we descended into more filth and perversion, now to the point of destoying little children.

    Thus, to opine under the Fear of God, or morality, if you prefer, requires an all or nothing understanding as to how God judges. The common man knows in his heart, soul and mind, if he is moral, he knows and can figure it out, that right is right and wrong is wrong, for all people, for all times for all examples. 

    Now, the chickens are coming home to roost, as someone said. We allowed this crap in and it has now poisoned the fruit of our vine. Self-Government.

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