
  • This is exactly what President Donald J. Trump needed to connect with his base again. Most of us understand all too well when they are out to get us, when they treat us unfairly. The injustice done to Trump is the same as the injustice done to any one of us or to the country for that matter. President Trump represents the United States of America. An attack on Trump is an attack on the USA. We the people won't stand for that.

  • Maybe both sides will buy them- Trump supporters to show they are with DJT, and Democrat haters who are celebrating (If they don't realize the profits are going to Trump!) are 2 comments from Dems who hate MAGA:


    It has already been proven that Trump Org is a criminal enterprise, convicted of 17 felonies.

    How is it hard to believe the CEO did not falsify records at this criminal organization, as his CFO or whatever the title Weisselberg held, did?

    He should get at least same penalty as Weisselberg or Cohen.

    otherwise why are there two systems of Justice?


    Hillary Clinton was 100% correct when she said that many of Trump's supporters were deployable. I watched video's of many of his rallies and the people I see and hear are definitely not the best of America in character. knowlege and critcal thinking. I call them the Jerry Springer people because for many of them their lifestyle mirrors what one see in the show. I am not saying everyone has to be college educated but you can self educate if willing. But sadly many them prefer to live in an evironment of ignorance, prejudice and a disdain for social behaviors. There are labels for them in different parts of the country rednecks, crackers, swamp yankees etc. but they all display the same low levels of character.

    Along comes a person (I couldn't give him the title of a man) Trump who from his reality shows background knows exactly how to manipulate the people I described above to obtain the recognition that he fails to get from the majority of Americans. He cleverly gets many of you to donate money some of you do not have and to deny and look away at the crimes he has committed . Trump was a disgrace to the dignity to the office of the presidency to the delight of all of you, because you are not the Real Americans that you purport to be. Many of the naturalized citzens are much more knowledgeable about the history of our country and how our government works.

    Anyway tomorrow comes the first indictment of this person and I am confident that it will not be the last. In the last days of WWII ther were people who fanatically stayed loyal to Hitler and followed him in death gladly and I compare many of you to them!

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