Everyone understands that the left is made up of Alinsky type radicals. The ends justify the means mentality is something that most people can interpret as the left doing whatever it takes to get their way. Alinsky argued in Rules for Radicals, for example, that morality kept people from acting and doing what was necessary to affect change. A higher-level morality, according to Alinsky, was a willingness to corrupt yourself and sacrifice your own salvation, or your own principles for what the left considers the greater good. In other words, corrupting yourself in pursuit of collectivist goals is the moral standard in left-wing politics. From this perspective, it is easy to understand their attempts to steal an election. They have no morals and are willing to cheat, lie and steal to win. https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/blatantly-obvious-voter-fraud-q-the-alinsky-method/
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