Joe Messerli, Author at Politically Incorrect Humor - Page 85 of 345

Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious medical issue, people are dying, and

2 physicians must be able to perform as sagacious prescribers; therefore be it

3 RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians

4 to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes

5 available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in

6 the disease course. Implying that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy

7 “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” that addresses

8 off label prescriptions as appropriate in the judgement of the prescribing physician and be it further

9 RESOLVED, That our AMA rescind its joint statement with the American Pharmacists

10 Association and American Society of Health System Pharmacists, and update it with a joint

11 statement notifying patients that further studies are ongoing to clarify any potential benefit of

12 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of COVID-19

13 (Directive to Take Action); and be it further RESOLVED, That our AMA reassure the patients whose physicians are prescribing

14 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for their early-stage COVID-19 diagnosis by

15 issuing an updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA21 approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific

16 reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the

17 earliest stage of COVID-19 (Directive to Take Action); and be it further

18 RESOLVED, That our AMA take the actions necessary to require local pharmacies to fill valid

19 prescriptions that are issued by physicians and consistent with AMA principles articulated in

20 AMA Policy H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,”

21 including working with the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health

22 System Pharmacists. (Directive to Take Action)

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  • So HOW many lives COULD have been saved ?!?!  The Deep State snakes GAGGED the doctors who tried to tell us the TRUTH and save MILLIONS of people! 

  • Because of fauci the weasel, AMA, CDC, FDA, and WHO, people like the governor of NV and physicians that pay attention to what the AMA wants refused to allow the use of an HQC therapy for early-stage convid.  EVERYONE involved in the suppression of this therapy should be charged with negligent homicide for every death that resulted.

    These idiots let their TDS destroy any sense of logic.

  • Censor the truth tell lies openly evil is good good is evil. We are being ruled by the Luciferian Society.

    • You are so right, van nolan. We the people know that Trump tells the truth and is the truth. No wonder the lying MSM and the establishment are so against him.

  • I don't trust him and I will never trust him either.

  • No question that Trump is correct. The US is a failed state. We the people can't trust much else besides our President, Donald J. Trump. We certainly can no longer trust the AMA, the FDA, the EPA, not even the CIA, FBI, DOJ, or the elections. The US is no longer a free country and definitely not the leader of the free world. Trump is the only one who has the guts and honesty to tell us and the entire world what a failed state the US is in 2020.

    • Exactly!


    • Well said - absolutely the truth



  • Per Usual, all they do is lie to the public. The MSM cannot be trusted.  There are treatments that do work, but now they want to

    take them away...go figure?

  • Again Trump is right the lying MSM loses as always. Just because Trump indorsed the treatment, they had to do the opposite. What if that was the cure. They would rather have people die.

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