Our Constitutionally defined Federal Republic is divided between two levels of sovereignty, the national federal government, and the states. Unlike a unitary system of government, the United States are each sovereign subdivisions in a Constitutional Republic.  The States are not dependent on the federal system for their soverign authority.  Our Constitutional Republic is a Union of independent sovereigns, joined together by a Constitution and a common federal (central) government... with limited and expressed Constitutional powers over the whole.

In the United States of America, the power to govern is specific and divided between the federal and state governments... by our Constitution.  The Constitutional and conforming statutory powers are expressly divided and provided by the Constitution... contract.  America is a Union of Independent sovereign states, joined together by a Constitutionally defined federal system of government.

In our Constitutional Republic, the powers GRANTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and STATES are Constitutionally defined and belong to the People and their respective States... All federal power BELONGS to the PEOPLE and their States. The Federal Government is the CONSTITUTIONAL construct and servant of the People and the several United States, not the other way around.

Our traditional form of Constitutional Government is being destroyed by a collective of Marxist thugs and misguided globalists... This cabal of corruption believes they can establish world peace through the creation of a new world order and a one-world government. However, before they can complete their vision they must remove the final obstacle to their plans for a new world order...they must destroy America as an independent sovereign.  America's traditional form of Constitutional government is not compatible with their authoritarian world view and must go.

If the Citizens of America want to enjoy the liberty they are accustomed to and the standard of living that their free markets have provided, they must act to remove and discipline the current cabal of deep state operatives destroying our government. The People must never permit these corrupt individuals any position of power in government.

The Citizens of America must muster the will... find the leadership, and commit the resources needed to remove ALL of the sitting members of the federal government ... elected, appointed, and the Judiciary.  They all must be replaced by constitutional patriots, citizens willing to serve the People's interests, not the special interests of the new world order.  Citizen politicians must become the norm once more.  We must find individuals willing to serve their term of office and return to their homes and businesses.  America must end the tyranny associated with professional politicians and political appointees.

Our Constitutional Republic is under siege by a persistent and well-organized cabal of Marxist and Globalist interests... we must not let them REDEFINE OUR REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT... replacing it with an all-powerful central government.

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  • The Marxist Democrat Party and their Globalist allies are busy redefining our Government... this must end or we will lose our Constitution and our liberties and freedoms.  Time is of the essence and there isn't much time remaining.

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