Trump is involved in. This, or so they say. Let's all pray this comes true. Biden is not our president under this new government. Going to digital currency based on gold standard. Certain banks are gone. Elites and Cabal no longer in charge. God's disciple Donald Trump had a plan and it looks very good. Pray this really happens so we can rid our country of all these disciples of the devel are no more.

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  • Nesara / Gesara

    Nesara restores the Republikk. Hard metal backed currency. End of perpetual debt enslavement. And more.

    Gesara brings same to rest of world.

    The complete overthrow of luciferian strongholds by Vatican, which is the head of the snake, plus the Crown, and D.C. Together  they ARE the cabal. These three are all not part of the countries they possess.

    We (America) are not supposed to be a corporation, nor are we to be owned and traded like chattel. We have been betrayed by Presidents again and again. JFK was murdered by his own guard the week after threatening to destroy the CIA and FED. Wilson knew he had caused the ruin of America and regretted it on his deathbed, after he helped conspire to create debt bondage through the FED.

    The IRS is unlawful. Direct taxation id unlawful. The IRS code states taxes sre a gift. Went to SCOTUS. They admitted as such. Let that sink in

    All 3 corporations control everything through banksters. All 3 are entwined in the Python spirit to choke and change- merge human dna with nano, named luciferase, patent 00060606. CoVID.  All connected.

    Banksters, Rothschilds dynasty. Georgia Guidestones

    • The gold fringe on the flag is maritime law. It is not law of the soil.


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