We live in the last hours of this great nation… Once, a beacon of light in a world of darkness, a haven for the oppressed and weary; it is now a harbor for every evil bird, to practice its divination among the people.  Sorcery and witchcraft once outlawed, are now a mainstay of its culture… Rebellion is the soul of both (sorcery and witchcraft).  This nation is a nation of gainsayers. Whose, mouth doth flatter God, with a multitude of frivolous words, that cross lying lips.  Prayers are spoken in vain… only, to serve the lust of a wayward and backsliding people.  Repentance is far from the heart of a nation that murders its unborn and withholds life from its poor and aged.
Woe, I say woe unto a nation that fills its days feasting upon things of the world… Whose treasure is measured in the quantity of life… Rather, than the quality of its spiritual health and service toward God and others?  Woe, I say woe, and again woe, unto a gainsaying people; whose heart is hardened to the truth… who, refuse to hear the warning of the Word of God, or His Prophets… Who refuse to repent of their wicked ways and return to their God. 
Sudden destruction shall overtake her in a day and hour… at a time she thinks secure, the end shall come swiftly.  Her smoke shall rise before all the nations of the world… a memorial to her wickedness.  For the righteous man shall vanish from her midst, in a moment, caught up in the Lord… There shall not be one just soul that shall remain in her; not one righteous to spare her from destruction. 
The kings of the world shall wonder and lament at her sudden destruction.. the merchant shall mourn the loss of her appetite for his wares.  Many shall wonder, whose names are written in the Book of Life… on that great day.  For two shall be in the field and one shall be taken, two shall be upon a rooftop and one shall remain.  Let the wise trim their lamps and look up for the Bridegroom cometh… as a thief in the night to take away His own.  America, how far though hath fallen?  How suddenly ye shall be destroyed?
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  • The RNC/GOP has gone openly rogue... and has revealed its true loyalties lie with an ELITE oligarchy of Globalists and pragmatists.  The RNC/GOP's core values and goals no longer align with the Republican Base... The closer it gets to the general election the more open the RNC/GOP leadership's hostility toward the Trump campaign becomes. 

    The GOP is not on board with the Make America Great  Again vision or its goals...  Wonder no more about the compromised performance of the GOP/RNC Party. They are not the party of the Patriots or Conservatives... they are part of teh New World Order... and the Great Reset.

    It may be time to take the conservative GOP Caucus (State and Federal) and start a new political party...  A Party that represents the goals and values of its membership.  Let, Pres. Trump explore the possibility of organizing and registering a new party in time for the General Election.  Let Ronna Romney take what's left of the party home with her... too, figure out what happened when the membership of the party can all fit in her living room. 

  • All of this is serving as The Unveiling of the Evil of this Nation. This does not mean utter destruction of the nation. It does mean the utter destruction of the deep state.

    Daniel 2, The Uncut Stone rolls into towns around the world and utterly decapitates the mountains of evil that are controlling, deceiving, murdering the people. Did He know this was going on? Of course.
    Did He let it go on? Only until the cup of iniquity was overflowing. God is using Trump. Believe the Prophets and you shall prosper. The righteous roots serve as the calling card of the blood and will and spiritual strength of our Founders, The U of TX did a 7-yr study and found over 7,000 references to God in our documents, Preambles, letters, Introductions, Prayers, Conventions, etc. More than any other country. Does THIS matter to God? YES

    HE says, I will return the years that the crawling, swarming, chewing and devouring locusts have stolen.

    Mercy TRIUMPHS. The Nations SHALL belong to Jesus Christ. (Unfulfilled) Satan does not and cannot win against the Powers of Heaven. God laughs. WE win. HE crushes OUR enemies under OUR feet.
    WE reign and fule. This Republic for which we have never known but prayed alliegence to, all our lives—it shall be restored upon its righteous roots. The unconsittutional amendments, the spreading like weeds, of the administrative state, the ownershp through the DC COR/PSE that Virginia is referring to—and she is absolutely correct—people need to learn about what she is saying. 

    The Courts are Administrative Money-Making Frauds. They make WE the People into Subjects to the money changing hands for Prosecutor, Defense and "judge." The fix is in. It, as well as all branches of govco. are nothing but INC./s. Each party gets paid. Subjects walking into THEIR court stand barely a chance. SCOTUS all by itself, has LED people down the path of destruction through their determined opinions that DO NOT ALLOW Natural Rights—the very Rights we were founded upon and are supposed to be protected by as officially recongnized Sons and Daughters of God Almighty, Maker and Ruler of ALL.

    Mortgages are fraud, paying debt with debt. Government at all levels and in all forms—is a giant weapon to be battered against our rights, liberties, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. God hates unjust weights and measures. Compound interest, fluctuting due dates, taxes upon taxes, when the Constitution clearly states taxes are to be paid by tariffs. WE are no better off than the Hebrew slaves, being whipped and murdered by slavemasters. What did God do with these poor but disobedient slaves? He sent a man and to lead them and He saved them. Look how many scriptures He said, "I sent you XYZ, but you refused to turn to me. BUT HE SAVED them. HE REPENTED of HIS ANGER.

    The Constitution for the united States is not the same as The Constitution Of The United States. They are sly ones, playing with typography, knowing no one will notice. 

    The Articles of Confederation have never been annulled. They slyly tell us that the Constitution REPLACED the Articles, while all official documents deny that lie.
    This should mean that the correct Constitution is an addendum to the Articles, which do require the states to be represented. Why? Because If a marriage requires a Certificate of Divorce to be OFFICIALLY ended—and the final payment to own one's car is signified by a CERTIFICATE of TITLE—each requiring a lawful and legal document certifying that finality. This means, then, that the Articles are still law. Those Articles alone do much toward removing the filthy lucre systems of our GOVCO.IINC. Or—and—Let the Uncut Stone do His job.

    He has promised just THAT. It is right there. ALL scripture must be fulfilled, every Jot and Tittle. He requires it. Ecc.

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    • There is absolute PROOF that the orginal 13th was ratified.

    • The Remnant is the best and only place to be. Covered by His Wings. Psalm 91 and 37.

    • Amen...


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