America’s Misguided Children


I must ask, what does the destruction of statues of abolitionists have to do with George Floyd?

OK, yes, that is the pure definition of a rhetorical question; it has nothing to do with it. And therein lies the crux of what is happening in America. The misguided children, and that reference is not based upon age, but rather level of rational competence, have taken a totally unrelated event and leveraged it for an ideological agenda that embraces violence. The nation was appalled at the George Floyd murder. However, the rational inquiry that should be made is, what does tearing down the statue of Frederick Douglass or Abraham Lincoln have to do with George Floyd?

Matter of fact, what do Christopher Columbus, Teddy Roosevelt, or the Washington Redskins have to do with George Floyd? None of those whom I reference wore a Minneapolis police officer uniform and certainly have not been charged and sit in jail awaiting a court date.

Only the irrational, misguided children of the progressive, socialist left would deduce that the way to respond to that tragedy is with violence. And so, business owners who had nothing to do with George Floyd are having their livelihoods assailed, looted.

Then, America’s misguided children respond by saying, “what’s the big deal, they have insurance?” This is the infantile, delusional mind of leftists that justify their brand of violence and mobocracy by saying “you can pay for the damage we inflicted yourself.” I guess they do not understand the effect of their lunacy on insurance premiums increasing.

Just this past week, Minneapolis and Burlington, Vt. declared that racism is a public health emergency.

Oh boy, another “pandemic,” what shall we do now, be forced to wear BLM face coverings? Is there going to be a rush for a vaccine to end the public health emergency called racism? Can I go to my local pharmacy and get an over-the-counter drug to curtail the symptoms of racism? Ahh, maybe a band-aid will do.

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