America’s Moral Crisis

America’s Moral Crisis

America is facing a crisis in moral character… The loss of America’s moral compass and its historical standard as a ‘Nation Under God’ has brought it to founder in troubled seas. Since God was taken out of the public forum and denied access to our public schools, America has been sailing without a helm in uncharted seas. Unless this Nation returns to honor the creator it will soon be shipwrecked and without hope.


America must first deal with the moral crisis… infecting its social order.  America, will be unable to correct the systemic social and cultural problems plaguing it without redirecting its sense of morality and source of social justice to those that made this country great… the Judeo/Christian ethic. America’s problems in Government are merely a reflection of the deeper social and cultural problems that keep it from securing the blessings of liberty contained in our Constitution. The People must first correct the underlying moral decay in its social order… If it has any hope of passing on the American dream to its posterity.

We must turn once again to acknowledge the source of our liberty and unalienable rights… nature’s God and our Creator. Liberty springs forth from the fountain of God’s blessings, brought about by a moral assent to His purpose for mankind and the individual… life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness don’t derive their power or purpose from the State… they are unalienable rights granted by God. If they are the domain of the State they no longer remain the guarantee of a Supreme being but are within the purview of an oligarchy of man… whose, purposes vary in their benevolence and regard for their fellow men. It is the evil of men and not the love of God that denies liberty to mankind… for history bears record of the horrors mankind is ready to work upon their fellow man.

Let us apprehend the source of our liberty… and the reasons for debauchery and the rule of tyranny among men… that we may improve the cause of liberty and return our government to the people… that it may reflect a moral and Godly social order among men. Until we embrace our sin as a nation… Until we come to the realization that our Government is a reflection of our social and cultural order, and correct the underlying moral decay… there will be no effective long-term change.

RA Nelson
COL., US ARMY (ret.) 

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  • Will our nation survive its current demise and immoral leadership... Our current government is a very corrupt and dangerous enigma of mankind's inhumanity to his own kind.  O wretched man where shall you find th grace to overcome the weight of history and the immutable stain of our fallen nature... only thru God's grace can we find redemption and a future free from our broken past...

    Humbel yourselves, repent, and return to the God of your youth... that He may hear and forgive us... For God is merciful and faithful to grant us grace for our sins, if we will turn from our sins and call upon His Name... 

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