Convert our dollar to PETRO CURRENCY... back the Dollar with our OIL and GAS... We have enough VALUE in natural resources to pay off the debt today.  We are being LIED TO and the wealthy are using the National Debt and fiat dollar to STEAL our Petrolium, Coal, Natural Gas, forestry, and other natural resources by shorting the Dollar and using it to secure access to our natural resources... at well below market rates   Our Dollar can become a PETRODOLLAR. Wallah, the Dollar becomes solvent and increases greatly in value.

Converting our Dollar to a Petro-based exchange instrument is the answer to securing our Dollar and avoiding bankruptcy ... In addition, the conversion from a fiat currency to a Petro Dollar would end the current round of inflation and create a massive boom in our economy.  Instead of paying interest on debt based on a fiat currency, the dollar could increase in value paying its holders with increasing value....not debt.

Trillions are being made as our Petro reserves are given away... at basement bargain prices... Instead of our dollar increasing in value, the fiat dollar is taking a serious nose dive in a race to hyperinflation... America went from holding the largest known Coal, Crude, and Natural Gas reserves... from being the worlds leading producer of refined fuels... to emptying its emergency crude reserves, and buying crude from unfriendly sources at ridiculous prices.  We sold much of our national crude reserves to China, at discounted prices, while buying crude at inflated prices from Columbia and other unfriendly sources.

Mr. President and Congress... convert our Dollar to a PETRO DOLLAR,  Let the world exchange our Dollars for US oil or natural gas products... We are not broke... We are being robbed of the huge stores of wealth in the natural resources held by the Nation ... blindsided by the BETRAYAL OF OUR SUPER WEALTHY and commercial institutions... Enough wealth is never enough for them.  THEY WANT IT ALL.  The people and their representatives need to tell them NO,.. enough is enough.. then, convert our US currency to a Petrodollar, and watch as a massive expansion in crude, natural gas, and coal production erases our national debt.

The solution is simple... however, the wealthy will be unable to secure their vision for a New World Order and the WEF will be effectively out of business if the US Dollar is backed by  America's huge petroleum and indigenous natural resources.  Why are we allowing these valuable assets to be EXPLOITED by a few when they belong to the many?

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