There she is America… standing tall among the Nations… Her flag welcomes the brave and dispatches the wicked, the godless man… For out of her belly comes justice… Great is her courage and deep the well that refreshes her people… for in her, lies the crucible of peace, in a world of sorrows… Find her while she can be found.
Drink deeply and be encouraged for out of the wilderness she came … out of the cauldron of Nation's she was forged... of steel and might she came... born of righteousness... born of the forges of greatness, she birthed men of Iron, rarely found… too, build a city, worthy of God... too, breach the wall of separation… between man and his Creator; too, open the gates of greater hope and a better day…
Let her Constitution speak and men listen… let her law be written upon the tablets of men's hearts, that their soul may be renewed, by the love of God, to find man's divine nature… too, be as God, His Children and His likeness in the world. Come fill your cup with the blessings of our great Constitution and the glory that separates us from lesser men. Breathe deeply of the Spirit in her… the lifeblood of her Constitution… the promise of a better way…
Tomorrow begets tomorrow and tomorrow another day… so goes the world in sorrows grip… without the light of our Creator's voice… empty is the land of the godless man. But We are not so… America stands tall… among the Nations all. America breathes life into mankind, her Constitution stimulates the mind… delivering man from the doldrums of time and the nature of their human condition.
Come, drink of her well … where life's waters flow… there, refreshing springs of eternity call… too, one and all, to America’s side, too Liberty's Bell... ring it now, while it may be found… while righteous men yet abound … while the day sets high in the sky… and men still know God is in control. For soon comes the darkness upon Liberty's face… her candle quenched, her light gone… No more the song of liberty to be heard, to accompany the wisdom of her hallowed Constitution…
There was a time when men of goodwill would not suffer an ill wind to challenge the voice of our Constitution and the words of our founders… Men of honor would sooner strike down those hollow men, who feed upon the righteous soul of our nation than to suffer them one more day… those wicked souls would now deny the very heartbeat of our Constitution… and their words bar the path, to the well of our liberty and freedoms chalice… where our thirsty land may find drink… A land, where once rivers of life ran clean and mountains of glory radiated the presence of God… where providence once stood, there our nation bathed in the good of mankind's better angels. No more rises the Son in the East, no more comes the latter rain upon her open fields, filled with grain… No more does Liberty hold high her Torch, too welcome the wayward soul, the huddled masses, the tired few.
Woe, unto those whose tongue sooner brings a curse... than the promise of life…Woe to a people who suffer the derelict to run wild in their streets… speaking the lies and deceit of wicked men. No more a Nation of liberty to find… whose people once refreshed, filled their cup from the chalice of liberty … No more her Constitution to testify of freedom and liberty’s Bell to ring... too, sing of liberty.
Let the wise read and be advised… let the somber soul understand, our Nation calls us to action… too, purge the well, too renew our Constitution, to ring again the Liberty Bell. Will they see, will we act… Liberty must feed, it must drink from the cup of the righteous soul, too purge out the wicked tongue… too, be free.
In every state of mind, in turmoil and trouble, in joy and rejoicing, in poverty and wealth... sickness and health... count it all joy. For, we live not by the temporal order of man, but in the Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ. We are overcomers... having the Blood of Christ, placed upon the doorpost and lintels of our heart... So that, the angel of death will pass over us in that hour of judgment soon to overtake this world.
The signs of the times... bring with them both sweet and sour, as we savor the fruit of our salvation, approaching that hour: When the world will plunge headlong, into great tribulation... Let us, therefore, redeem the time, keeping the faith and extending our witness; that others may find peace in the midst of sorrow and distress. That the world may see in us a peace that passes all understanding.
Ye are the light of the world... what man puts his light under a basket; will he not yet lift it high, that he and others may see? Then let your light so shine, that all men may be drawn to the light in you and Jesus Christ. For, darkness doth now descend upon the world, and soon there will be no more light; no more path, by which men may clearly find salvation.
Give hope for despair and joy for sorrow... spread the gospel of grace, to all with an ear to hear and hold fast to the faith that brought you thus far. For yet a moment, a season in time, and the prize will be ours... Eternal life in Jesus Christ. Amen
Dear Colonel, What a beautiful heartfelt writing. I am one who has asked God to forgive us, the Christians, the people in the pew, the Pastor, the prayer warrior, and so many more, to forgive us that when the anti God wanted abortion, we did not stand up for righteousness, when the evil woman wanted God's word removed from the schools, from the courthouses, that we all stood by and accepted what God would grieve over. I believe it's so bad, only God can fix it, but I believe he would want to and that He can, and I'm sure He would do much through us, as we ask for his help, and commit ourselves to do anything and everything He calls us to. God has an army. They're called angels. And he has his TRUMPet! His name is TRUMP. AS much as he is criticized, God still has His hand on him, and very soon He is going to put His followers to work cleaning up the mess we've all made. What a wonderful God we have, and He helped our founding fathers make such a great country, a God fearing nation, and we forgot to cherish what He had done. Your writing is inspirational. With your permission, I would like to copy it and give it to individuals that might be inspired by it! Not putting it out on the internet, but to give it to anyone who will read it thougtfully, and allow God's voice to be heard in their hearts, minds and conscience. I'm old and can't go to war, but with prayer, and one person at a time can do whatever possible to get their attention for our great and wonderful Lord!
Thank you Colonel, for taking the time to write something worth reading and worth sharing!
And God bless you richly.
Thank you for your kind words and yes... you and anyone else desiring to share my post with others have my permission. And may God shake the foundations of our nation and bring back Godly order to our house... our Nation.
I still think we need to fix the US Constitution. As it is written now, it obviously sets the framework for ungodly and bad actors to screw up our beloved country. We need to have at least an amendment that ensures moral and godly action by all.
That is already written in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration needs to seen and recognized as the Spirit of the Law and every bit as legal / lawful, and the Constitution as the letter of the law. Hand in hand.
The Declaration of Independence is in fact the LEGAL FOUNDATION upon which the 13 Colonies became a legal entity... sovereigns in their own right. Our Children need to be properly instructed in the fundamentals of our founding, given the legal basis for our Nation's existence. Without knowing who we are and how we legally became a nation, our children are left to the mercy of others, to define our existence; those, not so favorable to its Godly purpose. Consequently, America is now adrift in a troubled sea of contention and confusion over her founding documents and her greater purpose in the hand of God. We must remedy that situation.
Col. Nelson, Most times when I ask someone about the importance of the Declaration, they anwer as you did. It is a Declaration of Independence, as is titled, and forms our rights to separate from the King. We know this. However, limiting this founding document to history means it has no value now, and is relegated to history books instead of to the continuum of life itself.
I remember in the founding years of TPCC, long, wonderful and passionate debates between you, Oren and Mangus over the Constitution. I remember jumping in to some of those debates. Although, I probably had no right to, as each of you knew and still know more than I do about our history and the founding documents. However, one time, I remember jumping in over the Declaration, and vowed that, “I will stand upon the Declaration of Independence till the day I die.” Overzealous and passionate, I may be. But I will stand again upon the Declaration as the Spirit of the Law, and over the years, I have found others in agreement with me. The James Wilson Institute Natural Rights Manifesto, declares, “We never had the right to do wrong.” Justice Clarence Thomas states that overturning Roe “does not go far enough.” Jenna Ellis, Esq., Trump’s former attorney, devoted her book, “The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution,” to the Natural and moral law. Myron Magnet’s book, “Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution,” proves Thomas relies upon the Law of Nature and Nature’s God in forming his Opinions and questions.
I ask: How can Unalienable rights be defended if the very document defining those rights is disallowed from law?
I ask: How can there be a stable foundation when the foundation is disallowed as law? Scalia wrote, “Day by day, case by case, the Court is busing designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize.”I ask, how can there be a level playing field when the definitions are fluid? Fluid referring to not based on solid ground. Justice Harlan wrote in 1971, “one man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric.”
I ask: How can any stand for Life vs. sucking the brains out of a living being, without a common, defined, stable acknowledgement of Life as from the Creator? Only the Declaration does that. The concept of rights, liberties, property, self-defense, speech, all reach back to that same source, and that sourse is not of man. How can any expect others to accept Creation when it is outlawed from our documents, and as you say, a history lesson only.
Lincoln wrote, “There is only one anchoring proposition, and that is, ”All men are CREATED equal.”
LONANG {Law of Nature and Nature’s God} is the only reason that establishes limits to the over reach of federal statutes.
LONANG had the power to distinguish DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which is still in the Congressional Record, from Obergefell’s Homosexual marriage. If the Declaration were recognized as the basis for Constitutional rights, the 'each to his own' world view could not be law, as it is now.
LONANG would have prevented Roberts from helping himself to Title VII, to add special protections to transgender behaviour and ideology. We are obviously seeing the slippery slope from that which he did, unlawfully btw.
Positive Law, unless underpinned by Natural Law, will always cede to the later Opinion. Stare Decisis has created the very beast that Wilson dreamed of, a living constitutional convention, due to no stable, inherent or righteous foundation. You know as well as I do what scripture says with the foundation destroyed, what can the righteous do [then]?
There cannot be an effect without a cause, and if the effects are rotten, the tree is rotten. The tree is rotten because it has no root that is in good ground.
Lastly, it is only Natural Law with rights by our Creator that Justifies what is in the Constitution. It is the very source for what is detailed in the Constitution. If there is no righteous underpinning, there are only ‘strongly worded beliefs’ making their way to what we have now, value-neutral propositions now underpinning our laws. Something has to be the foundation. It is either of man or of God. Law is either shaped two-dimensionally by man’s values, or formed three-dimensionally of Spirit, Mind and Body.
O ye of little faith... out of nothing God created all we can see and the invisible things of the universe... God stood at the beginning of time and declared the advent of Christ and this very moment in history... Yet, we doubt Him and His power to turn America -around... Let the naysayers watch as the seas part and the mountains are brought low... Let the unbeliever take hold of his conscience and observe what he has so ignorantly mocked... become a reality.
God's plans for His Creation were laid in perpetuity from the beginning... that all creation may know He is God and there is none like unto Him.. for who can name the stars or number their existence? Watch as time unfolds to reveal the purposes and plans of God as written in the Blood of Christ from the foundation of the world... watch as mankind's salvation becomes a reality and the enemies of our soul are held accountable for their deeds...
God is not mocked... He is patient and long-suffering... wanting none to perish in their sins He extends mercy and grace... He moves in time ... providing all men the opportunity to become part of His Body... His eternal creation. What is impossible for man is possible for God. Watch as God parts the River Denial and His children cross on dry land... Watch as the impossible becomes possible and the delusional reality.
The last three words in my post above should read... and delusion reality.
The ONLY thing that could possibly save this nation is a national repentence and turn back to GOD!