Had enough BLM “wokeness” shoved down your throat? Of course you have. Unfortunately, there’s more. Word now comes that the nation’s largest air carrier is facing a backlash over its decision to allow flight attendants to wear Black Lives Matter pins on the job.
Better: the backlash is from White flight attendants and staffers.
As reported by the New York Post, top brass at American Airlines is facing turbulence from White employees who have spouses or other relatives who are law enforcement officers, because they (correctly) believe the BLM movement is anti-police and promotes violence.
One veteran flight attendant said in an email to American Airlines management obtained by The Post:
“I take offense to this. serious offense. My husband is a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), as was my deceased father and as far as I’m concerned ALL LIVES MATTER.
“I am completely disgusted at the fact that we can’t show support for our GOD, our COUNTRY, our LEOs but when it comes to BLM organization (which is controversial in itself), American Airlines says that’s obviously different. […]
“How is that right? Well, I don’t feel included.”
The unidentified employee is right, of course, on multiple levels.
Saying “All Lives Matter” in the summer of Black Lives Matter will get you reprimanded, fired, or worse. Proclaiming your faith in God, support for Country, or the police will get you the same result.
The sad reality is, not only is it “not right,” as the employee asked, she and “her kind” are not “included.” They are not included because their “lives don’t matter” to American Airlines and other corporations who bow before the Black Lives Matter altar of pretend “systemic racism.”