
  • It is beyond recession... the savings and purchasing power of the Dollar is being stolen by inflation ... and son it will be impossible to keep up.

  • Inflation is approaching triple-digit and the average citizen has just begun to feel the pinch... it is about to turn ugly this winter and may well see massive riots... timed with the stealing of the November election.  Hyperinflation is on its way and most of us don't have the assets or income to leverage our way thru it...

    • With natural gas, propane, and coal approaching astronomical market levels... shouldn't the US Debt be eliminated with the sale of our nation's vast resources on federal lands.. or is it being stolen by a few wealthy energy companies for pennies on the dollar? If so, why?  Where is the Department of Interior on this issue?

      Tell me, I am wrong... America has the world's largest known crude, coal, and natural gas deposits.  Where is all the money going from the sale of those resources?  Why isn't that question being raised at every Town Hall meeting with our federal and state representatives..  Our National debt could be paid in full, almost overnight. If we are to believe retail costs are skyrocketing? Where is the Governments and Peoples share of the profits? Why is it that our Government reps are not asking about it?

    • After some thought, I must conclude that the GOP and Democrat Party are both bent on destroying our nation... Neither party stands solidly in support of our Constitutional Republic as evidenced d by their actions and or INACTION... One doesn't stand by and watch the nation be destroyed by an opposition party without challenging them every step of the way... without disclosing the open treason in many of our government institutions and leaders.

      Men Like McConnell will go down in infamy as soulless plutocrats.. whose long silence and often disengenuous leadership in the face of tyranny have done nothing but endanger our society and national secuirty... Those fools who place Capital above loyalty, profit over the nation, family, and God need to be exposed for what they are and -taken down... Why anyone would embrace these despicable men and women, vote for them, or attend their rallies without bringing crates full of garbage to throw at them is beyond me. 

      No one in high-office should feel comfortable walking among the public… as they are part of the problem, not the solution.  Any politician who is unwilling to expose the open treason taking place in DC... any of them, who are not shouting at the top of their lungs, about the coming disaster should receive our disdain not support from every patriot.  We must not accept their excuses or inaction any longer… they must perform or resign... elections will not produce the needed change… they must be made to resign.

      Compromised politicians have destroyed America... unless we reverse course immediately, it is over... Our children will walk the streets of America clothed in rags, eating from the dumpsters, and living in cardboard boxes… in a land that once led the free world.  It is time to call our situation like it is... America has been abandoned by its traditional leadership, it is now under attack from both political parties.  One actively tearing down its civil and government institutions, the other silently but noticeably supporting its destruction. The people are without committed leadership... adrift in a sea of distress on a ship of state rapidly sinking. 

      We need God to intervene … for leadership to materialize and for the people to support government reforms with every fiber of their being… the Tree of Liberty may indeed require the blood of tyrants and patriots alike.  We have waited too long, endured too many insults and abuses… the wicked no longer respect us as an opponent… they see us as weak and divided.  This must be reversed… and the people must TAKE back their government… voting alone will not work.

    • "When peaceful change is disallowed, or becomes impossible, violent change becomes inevitable."  Well said, however, the inevitable change may be even greater oppression and violence.  Numbers once dictated outcomes but with the advent of Bio-warfare and the modern spectum of weapons and systems to control populatons a small elite and well healed plutocracy may well manage and oppress the greater majority.  Change is inevitable but the kinds of change may not be acceptable or sustainable. 

    • Slow?  Have they even taken the field?  Perhaps they are too busy counting their ill-gotten gain and find it a bit perplexing on where to invest their profits for an even greater gain.  Expecting the best yet to come ... they ready they are more concerned with mobilizing their wealth than the people... more interested in a New Word Order than securing liberty for the greater good of all.

    • Another auto-correct failure  .... in the above post the phrase " they ready they are more concerned... " should read "The greedy are more concerned..."

  • So sad, the rise of the Antichrist is fast coming upon us

    • Sad????? It's criminal because there is absolutely no reason for this!
      This is all done to brake and make the middle class the powers can control everyone while they are getting richer by the day!

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