Americas survival depends on God's Grace and help

As I have said before; Trump is probably America's best chance for survival and renewal, but it hinges on the people going back to worshiping God, keeping his commandments personally, and using them as the moral guide in the creation of our laws.
No matter what else we do, it will all end up for nothing, if we don't honor our creator and ask him to watch over us, and help us achieve the Restoration of American morals, values, and integrity.
After that, we need to realize, the Liberals, the Democrats, the NWO's, and all of our Other Enemies are waiting patiently for the 2028 elections. They are already creating their agendas. They will will immediately impliment them when they return to power and over turn everything Trump will have accomplished. Just as Trump is doing with Biden's mess. This type of back and forth infighting will destroy America and it's values.
What's desperately needed, is for every Patriotic American Citizen who believes in what Trump's doing to restore America, is to demand their State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment proposal convention to lock in Trump's reforms with Constitutional Amendments. 
Once 34 States petition Congress for an Article-V convention, Congress must convene it. Then Congress must step back so the people, through their states delegate, can propose amendments without Congress interfering with the process. Congress can not even change any wording of proposals. When the proposals are sent to Congress, they must be sent out to all 50 states for official ratification. Think about that, the existing 27 amendments were all proposed by Congress alone. How many actually only benefit Congress or benefit Congress more than they benefit the people. The Bill of Rights being the exception.
Learn a little about the process at;(
The Congress has even been blatant about some Amendments; The 17th Amendment was proposed and pushed through by a Democratic Congress in 1913. It allowed for the direct election of Senators. It is directly opposed to what the Founders intended. Senators were never supposed to represent the people directly! They were intended to give their States equal representation in Congress regardless of the States population. Since the 17th was in place, the Senators have only represented their respective political parties. That amendment must be repealed to stop the fighting and restore sanity to Congress.
Another amendment that needs to be clarified is the 14th. It was never intended to allow for Anchor Babies. See it's orignal intent, in the words of it's authors; 
I also believe we need an amendment which provides a method for the people to overrule any Law, Federal Court Ruling, Supreme Court Ruling, and Bureaucratic Rule or Regulation that impacts the entire United States Doing so through a similar method as the Article-V does for amendments.
The challenge is; We must have the Article-V going before the mid-term elections, and far enough along that it will continue regardless of which party is in power. That time limit means we are already behind in getting it started.
What do you think about this? Will you support it for the good of America? Will you work for it? Will you petition your State Legislators Demanding this?
Or, will you sit back and wait for someone else to do it while America collapses?
Let me know in the comments.
The Tradesman

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