"They ask questions, and he starts reading the teleprompter," President Trump said of opponent Joe Biden on Thursday. "He says, 'Move the teleprompter a little bit closer, please.' I don't know, I think if I did that, I would be in big trouble. I think that would be the story of the year."


Democratic nominee Joe Biden is drawing fire for what appear to be carefully staged campaign events in which he does not seem willing or able to answer questions in an offhand or impromptu manner. This has led some critics to question his mental stamina and acuity as a candidate seeking the most powerful office in the world.

President Trump on Thursday chided rival Biden for a nearly seven-second delay in Biden's answer to a video question from a barista in a virtual AFL-CIO Labor Day event. Unable to immediately answer the barista's question, Biden delayed and struggled to find words, instructing an off-camera handler: "Move it up here." It was an apparent request for a more rapid scroll down inside the teleprompter script. 

"Every time I see him, he starts talking about the pandemic. He's reading it off a teleprompter," Trump said Thursday at a White House press conference. "I'm not allowed to use the teleprompter. Why is that, [Washington Post reporter] Phil [Rucker]? They ask questions, and he starts reading the teleprompter. He says, 'Move the teleprompter a little bit closer, please.' I don't know, I think if I did that, I would be in big trouble. I think that would be the story of the year."

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