
  • First, the king raised the tax on the tea. secondly. it was supposed to be from India and instead came from chy na. They were lied to, sold a bill of goods. It was simply the last straw. 

    As far as our protest, he misses the whole point of patriots saying oh NO you DON'T. I was proud of our people showing up and making a statement that we KNOW what is being done to us. NO MORE sitting around letting traitors choke the life and spirit out of us. He was't there and that is clear. I was there and I am proud and hopeful with the resolve that was palpable. I also, and all of us who were there, have testimonies to the fact that our shot at patriots with rubber bullets, used mace, tear gas and knee knockers. That is the message that needs to get out, as well as the resolve that WE THE PEOPLE displayed

  • This was a PROTEST not a mob!  Violence was instigated by ANTIFA and the rest followed. Bill is making a mountain out of a mole hill.  There weren't some army protocols to follow, it was simple human nature for SOME patriots to become emotionally affected.  This was a planned event by ANTIFA, that's all that should be reported, anything else is a media soundboard.

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