
  • He SHOULD be "outraged", President Trump showed the nation what a partisan hack cnn used in what they thought would be a hit piece against him but got turned on them because he is much smarter than the hack and has right on his side, and those facts ALWAYS outrage the satanic left!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cooper is really a sorry excuse for anything

  • Disgustingly wealthy and NWO connected up the wing-wang,Ā 

    This is Anderson Cooper in his sad, inverted, echo chamber.


  • Maybe I am wrong but I always thought that when you report on politics especially you should present both sides equally??

    Then they the Clinton News Network wonders why their ratings are crashing!! Nobody but left wing loons watch CNN.

    • Joe, I call it the communist not news network but you are correct, only leftist morons watch the fake news propaganda toilet!!!!!!!!!!


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