
Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing for looters to be charged with bail-eligible crimes — after his sweeping bail reforms made that all but impossible.

New York’s bail reforms, which took effect January 1 of this year, removed the option of cash bail for a number of misdemeanors and non-violent felonies — which included stealing from stores or looting, which is classified as “burglary in the third degree.”

Cuomo, according to a report from News 1 New York, has called on police in the wake of multiple nights of unrest and looting to elevate charges against looters in order to make it easier police to hold them.

“You look at these videos, it would be nonsensical if the police were arresting looters and they were then being arrested and returned to the street the next day to loot again. That would be nonsensical, right?” Cuomo asked, suggesting that looters ought to be charged with second-degree burglary in order to make their crimes eligible for bail.

Melissa De Rosa, Secretary to the Governor, explained that possession of a weapon — even a rock — could help elevate the charges. “Bail can be set if a person is, A: carrying a dangerous instrument, which includes a rock; or, B: uses a rock, brick, or the like to break the window to gain entry; or C: another participant acting with the defendant, that did A or B. That is burglary two under penal law 140.25,” she said.

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  • I didn't vote for, and never will vote for fredo senior or fredo junior. Also never voted for, and never will vote for,  gillibrand, schumer, any democrat. They are all ego maniacs and all of them want to become emperor of the world. What pat of the US Constitution gives the governors of states the power fredo senior to shut down and make judgements on who is  or is not an essential enterprise ? It is not there. fredo senior is a murderer, he demanded all nursing homes and health centers to take in every covid-19 infected person, thereby sentanceing a feww thouasnd elderly people to viral  covid-19 death. I am surprised his get out of jail free law didn't just shut down all of nys prisons and let all these criminals free. I am suprised his law didn't disband every police department in nys. He is telling the police to make up charges aginst arrested individuals so they can han have a cash bail set upon them. If you don't show up for trial, the state/city keeps the bail money, what a great idea.

    I have an idea, criminals get arrested and sent to jail quickly after a speedy trial.. (sorry, that last sentance was a joke, intilling some humor in this post)

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