
  • The Turkey will need a name and a death certificate with a date of death... might I suggest December 14, 2020, as the date of death... and for a name Joe Bidden?   Cause of Death should read: 'Death by popular demand.'

    • Dark......but not as bad as mine. I'd like to see the scrawny turkey seized, and transported to San Francisco where the turkey will be stuffed. Repeatedly.

      Now for Christmas............HO HO HO!

  • I heard someone say that some states are stating that only 10 people can be at a family member's home for Thanksgiving while 30 people can attend a funeral.  We are going to have a funeral for our turkey.

  • Nope, Thanksgiving AND Christmas will be normal at our house this year.  Now, we can rename Fauci and just call him Grinch.

  • This idiot is not going to tell us how to celebrate Christmas in fact the socialist will not control our life.They will see the real American way of life.

  • I will go to be with my family on Christmas day as I have for decades, I don't give a crap what the idiots say.

  • The Globalist Covid steamroller is at the point of stall, I think. So cheer up and just observe Christmas.

    My clue? The recent Operation LeGacy which yielded US election result data handled in Germany (yeah, Germany???) and Alex Jones march on the Nations Capital of over a million participants, looks like it has had a curious result on the media. Checking on the propaganda mill Yahoo News, the usual hostile drumbeat against Trumps refusal to concede and his legal challenges suddenly went quiet. Very quiet. Do you suppose they figure or have been told the jig is up?

    Sure the indicator is not starkly black and white. But the media falling silent isn't because they figure the cat is in the bag. We would feel it.

  • Christmas, a time when Christians celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, WILL NOT BE CANCELLED!!!

  • just another small dog thinking he a big dog. He has little man syndrome.


  • you want to see an uprising, try to cancel CHRISTmas!!!!  I am so sick of you leftest idiots.  Don't trust a word that comes from fauci and the democrates.  WE WILL NEVER BE A GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED PEOPLE AND YOU WILL NEVER SUPRESS WE THE PEOPLE.  You socialist, communists, democrates and RINO REPUBLICANS rights and that includes freedom of religion, right to bare arms, speech, and pro life.   We still have one president, PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!

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