
  • It's Great that we can exhibit humor over this debacle: But indeed it is a SAD Situation. It speaks to the IGNORANCE of OUR FELLOW AMERICANS and the TERRIBLE DANGER in which OUR PEOPLE and THEIR CHILDREN are in. I Pray to GOD that HE may bring an Awakening among OUR FELLOW AMERICANS and that they Shall Choose to First- Vote REPUBLICAN in NOVEMBER and that SECOND-WE Shall Pay Attention to how OUR NATION is "Managed" .  WE have A Big Mess To Clean Up.

    • One has to wonder if we will even be able to undo all the damage they have caused in just ONE four-year term, with President Trump back at the helm!!

  • Trump and all of his associates need to make sure that they stress to the dummies out there that these two idiots created this mess along with many other messes.

  • The video proves the Zombie along with the Hyena are committed to destroying America by any means necessary. It’s great he publicized it at the DNC. The Zombie just can't get out of his own way. 

  • Are JOE and KAMALAReally EARTHLINGS, their "ALIEN IDEAS" lead one to wonder.

    • Not sure. Possible reptilians?

    • Been watching them for signs of "shape shifting"; haven't seen any yet, but then, I do sleep once in awhile.

    • More likely they are demons from Hell

    • 👍

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