
  • A lot of wheels spinning......and nothing happening! I do not hold my breath for representatives too something meaningful 

  • Congress has the Constitutional jurisdiction to administer the government and the law within the District of arrest, indict and try criminal conduct as necessary to maintain good order in the District and in both Houses of Congress.  This power is not new ... it has been neglected... as a political tool to compel obedience to normal lawful order. 


    • They should exercise this power at once. We really need more obedience to normal lawful order. Unfortunately nothing is normal. "Lawful order" is supposedly used to try President Trump while DC vermins do whatever they want to go. 

    • P/S

      Also see Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the US Constitution for additional jurisdiction given to Congress for the governing of the District of Columbia

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  • Suspend LOCAL RULE... return the Administration of the District's Government to Congress... Let the Congress appoint a STANDING District Grand Jury and issue indictments for AG Garland and other Key Members of the administration who have violated our laws with impunity... 

    The US Constitution provides Congress with the lawful authority to govern DC... not a locally elected council.  Pres. Lincoln issued thousands of Presidential warrants and jailed as many including a Supreme Court Justice for insurrection... The Constitution has not been amended to abolish the President's role as the KEY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the Federal Government... the AG is not the chief law enforcement officer, he works for the President.  Return Constitutional order to the District of Columbia.

    It is time to play HARDBALL... let Congress repeal 'local rule' in DC... Let Congress appoint a permanent Grand Jury, new prosecutors, and judges to administer the law in DC. Let Congress create a NEW JUDICIAL SYSTEM in DC, with new courts, Judges, and prosecutors... that will administer the law without prejudice.... end lawfare in the District.

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